Space Marines Legion

==Imperial Space Marine Legions==

Marine Types


Basic Trooper:

Void Armor Varient

Sergent Centurion:


Chapter Master:



  1. Dark Angels(Angels of Death): Blitzkrieg. Rapid, coordinated high tech assault.
  2. Legion 2 “’’: Counter insurgent's specialists
  3. Emperor's Children: Honor guards, impressing allies with flashy victories and crushing enemy morale with the same impressive feats.
  4. Iron Warriors: Logistics specialists.
  5. White Scars: harassment, hit and run, raiding,
  6. Space Wolves: Executioners. Able to take distasteful jobs with unflinching loyalty. Punishment.
  7. Imperial Fists: Fortifications
  8. Night Lords: Psychological warfare and terror tactics to break morale and minimize casualties.
  9. Blood Angels: melee close quarters rapid assault.
  10. Iron Hands: armoured mechanized assault.
  11. Legion 11 ‘’’’: Void fighters
  12. World Eaters: total war. Annihilation. Genocide. Making an example of people.
  13. Ultramarines: Discipline and civil engineering.
  14. Death Guard: extermination by biological, chemical, and radiological weapons.
  15. Thousand Sons: Chaos studying and daemon fighting.... For anyone acting shocked and surprised even 10,000 years later the majority of the Inquisition anti-demon things were developed by the Thousand Sons.
  16. Sons of Horus: surgical strike. Elimination of key targets by rapid assault.
  17. Word Bearers: the Inquisition. Purging heretics.
  18. Salamanders: rearguard defense of strategic targets.
  19. Raven Guard: guerilla warfare, stealth
  20. Alpha Legion: sabotage, destabilization, infiltration, espionage.
Known Leaders Unification-era Legion Masters for reference
  • Hector Thrane (I Legion)
  • Thrallas (III Legion)
  • Enoch Rathvin (VI Legion)
  • Either Aeolus or Mathias (VII Legion - Wording’s tricky)
  • Isshidur Ossuros (IX Legion)
  • Amadeus DuCaine (X Legion)
  • Lhorke (XII Legion)
  • Gren Vosotho (XIII Legion)
  • Halik-Gar (XVII Legion)
  • Cassian Vaughn (XVIII Legion)
  • Additionally, the V Legion never had a centralized command structure, instead relying on the Pioneer Company system. The XV Legion never had a Legion Master, instead being governed by a council of captains. The Alpha Legion was lead by Alpharius since it’s inception.
  • Recruitment

      Dark Angels: Angels of Death, The Uncrowned Princes: Blitzkrieg. Rapid, coordinated high tech assault. All across terra   Legion 2 “’’: Counter insurgent's specialists   ? All across terra ?   Emperor's Children: Honor guards, impressing allies with flashy victories and crushing enemy morale with the same impressive feats.   Son of European Elite   Iron Warriors: Logistics specialists. Siege attackers   the Legion was founded atop the wreckage of a recidivist fortress on the Terran Auro Plateau of Sek-Amrak. The warlike gun-tribes in the surrounding areas made up the first of the Legion's Marines. The early IVth Legion proved itself in the Unification Wars, making its domain one of the most stalwart bastions of the Emperor. The Legion's gene-seed showed above average adaptability and a below average resistance rate to Bionics. This allowed the Legion to be one of the largest and the earliest deployed alongside the I Legion and V Legion.The Legion continued to distinguish itself in the conquest of the Sol System during the early days of the Great Crusade, winning honours in many battles, most notably in the Mehr Yasht campaign on Venus, where the IVth Legion was commanded by the Emperor himself to defeat the deadly Litho-Gholem armies of the War Witches.     White Scars: Star Hunters, Other informal titles included the Pioneers, Vanguard, Blood Debt, Grey Ghosts: harassment, hit and run, raiding,   Recruits were primarily drawn from the ice wastes of the Thulean Basin. They were nonetheless one of the first Legion's to see action in the name of the Emperor, fighting alongside the older Thunder Warriors. The early Vth Legion was given the solitary duty of seeking out the hidden lairs of many demagogues and warlords that ruled Terra. Their superhuman physiology allowed them to survive in the most radiation-contaminated areas of the planet and operate deep in enemy territory to scout and harass. In these early days, the Legion numbered only a few hundred warriors and frequently weakened the enemy in preparation for the arrival of the Emperor's main armies. However, the Star Hunters as they eventually become known as were known to be free-spirited and tended to ignore orders given to them by anyone other than the Emperor himself. They operated without glory, far from the center of the conflict. Their famous early battles such as the raid of the Albian fortress of Dubris or the 83 day battle in the catacombs of Kadiru against Ursh forces go largely unrecorded. Few within the Star Hunters showed any outrage at this slight, and they even took a quiet pride in their silent role. Nonetheless, they were further isolated from their peers and became known as Terra's Forgotten Sons.[40d]   Space Wolves: The Rout, the Emperors Executioners: Able to take distasteful jobs with unflinching loyalty. Punishment.   the Space Wolves were known as the VI Legion and was made up of a diverse range of savage and hyper-violent tribesmen from Terra. Alongside the Salamanders and Alpha Legion, the early Space Wolves were among the "Trefoil" Legions, those given highly specialized and unique Gene-Seed by the Emperor for unknown ends. Like the other Trefoil Legions, the VIth was held back from most of the fighting in the Unification Wars and the conquest of the Sol System. The Emperor kept the Legion in deliberate isolation from the rest of their peers.[40a] A decade into the Great Crusade, the VI Legion was finally "unleashed" onto the Galaxy by the Emperor.   Imperial Fists: Fortifications   The Legion was one of the few that recruited entirely from their homeworld and were the only formation to have recruited from across all of Terra, including areas where other Legions claimed exclusive "Rights of Tithe." Despite recruiting from such a wide range of locations, VII Legion recruits consistently possessed a taciturn nature and were quick to action but reserved in speaking .   Night Lords: Psychological warfare and terror tactics to break morale and minimize casualties.   Originally known as the VIIIth Legion, the Night Lords first recruits were from the stinking ancient prisons of Terra. Here the children of prisoners were raised in the dark and among death. These pale "Night's Children" made perfect Astartes recruits.   Blood Angels: melee close quarters rapid assault.   Originally known as the IXth Legion, the early records of the Legion show a noted absence in many of the key conquests of the Unification Wars. Instead, the Legion acted as the Emperor's inferno, ravaging and annihilating any foe they were unleashed upon. Few in number, they often served as vanguards and waging battles in small and audacious raids focusing on murderous close-combat. They were often deployed to the most dangerous warzones against the most twisted of foes, holding the line alone and out of the spotlight. This was a role fitting for them, as the early IXth Legion recruited from the lost and dispossessed of Terra. Despite often bearing the marks of mutation they were genetically sculpted into tall and fair elegant specimens. However other dark rumors followed the Legion, which soon earned the title of the "Eaters of the Dead" due to their habit of consuming enemy corpses after a battle. As the Unification Wars transitioned into the Great Crusade, the IXth Legion was deployed to hellish backwater warzones such as Neptune. On the moons of Neptune, 12,000 warriors of the IXth disappeared but nonetheless managed to endure and complete their mission. They had largely replenished their numbers taken from the barely human dregs of Neptune's tunnels. Where others may have floundered and fallen, the IXth had risen from the ashes of defeat. This process soon repeated itself again and again, with the IXth being cast into a hellish warzone only to emerge as they had before. This led to Malcador the Sigillite dubbing them the "Revenant Legion". They often found themselves in the company of those Legion's less-favored by the lords of the Imperium, such as the War Hounds and IVth.   Iron Hands: Storm Walkers, Iron Tenth (informal) : armoured mechanized assault.   Originally known as the Storm Walkers[31] or Stormwalkers[22a], the legion was created during the latter days of the Unification Wars on Terra. Recruitment bases at this time were spread widely all across the planet, but the warlike cultures of Albia in particular provided effective initiates for the Legion. The Legion's first instance of recorded combat was in the Sol system against a Mutant warband known as Scythers. Shortly thereafter they exterminated the Xenos Lyasx on the world of Oberath. While the Legion was victorious in both actions, they did not yet seem to specialize in any area of warfare. It was only during the invasion of the Ork-held Planet 02-34 (designated 'Rust') that the Legion's effectiveness in utilizing slow-moving mass firepower became apparent.   Legion 11 ‘’’’: Void fighters   ? All across terra ?     World Eaters: War Hounds: total war. Annihilation. Genocide. Making an example of people.   The Twelfth Legion was formed on Terra, from no particular geographic recruiting ground. Fragmentary records do suggest however, that during the formation process of the legion, an experimental screening process may have resulted in the initial intakes being formed from the most aggressive and competitive of candidates. While this cannot be confirmed with certainty, early records of the Legion do note that it was considered a highly aggressive, hot-blooded, and savage force.     Ultramarines: War-Born: Discipline and civil engineering.   The original recruits were drawn from from the sub-equatorial maglev clans of Panpocro, the war families of the Saragon Enclave, the Midafrik Hive Oligarchy and the anthropophagic tribes of the Caucasus Wastes. As varied in culture and origin as these groups were, they all had one factor in common; their violent and often bitter resistance to the later stages of Unification, a resistance broken ultimately in each case not by negotiated surrender but near annihilation, with in some situations little remaining save interned refugees and orphaned populations left by the savage conflicts which had brought these peoples to heel. The legion was created at such a late stage in the war that they have no recorded combat operations on Terra, instead being used for the first time for the liberation of the Solar System.   Death Guard: Dusk Raiders: extermination by biological, chemical, and radiological weapons.   Albian   Thousand Sons: Chaos studying and daemon fighting.... For anyone acting shocked and surprised even 10,000 years later the majority of the Inquisition anti-demon things were developed by the Thousand Sons.   The Fifteenth Legion was formed on Terra, their gene-seed being created and implanted in the first legionaires during a brief resurgence of warp-storms within the boundaries of the Sol system itself. This brief warp-storm was said to have generated psychic flashpoints all across Terra's globe, resulting in outbreaks of madness, suicide and random violence. Whether it had any effect on the legion's gene-seed is doubtful, but upon learning of it years later Magnus himself considered it to be a poor omen.[3a]   At least part of the initial crop of legionaires – termed student-aspirants — were found amongst the population of the once geo-political entity known as the Achaemenid Empire. This area of Terra had been under the rule of the Emperor for at least a century at this point, and as a result had suffered little during the just-completed Wars of Unification. The Emperor himself, accompanied by a retinue of scientists, visited the region and had each and every family tested for compatibility with the Legion XV gene-seed. Those that were found suitable were taken to the gene-laboratories underneath the Himalayas to begin their transformation into Astartes. Present as one of these first student-aspirants was Ahzek Ahriman and his twin brother, Ohrmuzd.[3a] Upon completion of this process the Fifteenth Legion was used to quell what few pockets of isolated resistance to the Emperor's rule remained upon Terra, before being named the Thousand Sons by the Emperor himself and sent out into the galaxy as part of his Great Crusade.[3a] Their name is believed to originate from the first step of the Legion's creation process; for unknown (but presumably notable, if the Legion was named because of them) reasons, exactly one thousand Marines were created and trained first, with the Fifteenth brought up to full Legion numbers afterwards.[7] There only being one thousand Thousand Sons in existence at a point in time is a fact that, tragically, would repeat itself in the future on more than one occasion...   Lunar Wolves / Sons of Horus: surgical strike. Elimination of key targets by rapid assault.   During the Unification Wars the initial recruitment pool of the XVIth Legion was believed to made up of members of the 'hunter clans' of both the Jutrigan Bowl and Samsatian sub-plate slums of Terra. These areas were reckoned to be harsh places to live, with their inhabitants noted for their ruthless, independent character. Whether it was this nature, or the Emperor's genetic design for the legion template, or a mixture of both, the nascent Terran XVIth soon became known for being exemplar shock troops during the initial Imperial expansion campaigns, used successfully to both quickly start and finish fights, either in an initial, fully successful blow, or in being deployed from reserve to enact the killing strike.   Word Bearers: Imperial Heralds, Iconoclasts: the Inquisition. Purging heretics.   Their original recruits were drawn from the sons of defeated enemies, raised to know the crimes of their fathers and the price of the Emperor's forgiveness. Thus while the other Legions went to war with righteousness, the XVIIth fought with the cold fury that only the condemned and redeemed could know.   Salamanders: Dragon Warriors, The Fearless : rearguard defense of strategic targets.   Originally known as the XVIIIth Legion, the origins of what would become the Salamanders are largely shrouded in mystery. In order to protect the nascent Legiones Astartes from both hostile action and espionage, the origins and deployments of several early Legion gene-seeds are further classified beyond usual protocol. These Legion groups were formed and established largely in separation from the rest, and it is generally thought to a very specific end. The XVIIIth Legion, along with the VIth Legion and XXth Legion, comprised this group of proto-legions. That this 'trefoil' of three proto-Legions was somehow veiled from the rest during their creation and establishment was something known only to a few. Deliberate effort was made to distance these three legions from the others. There are none save the Emperor and a handful of his aides who know what the exact purpose behind this policy was.[22] Sometime in its history the Legion was named the Dragon Warriors, but it was a name few knew or spoke of.[38]   Raven Guard: guerilla warfare, stealth   Originally founded as the XIXth Legion, the Legion was used by the Emperor as his hidden hand in its early years during the Unification Wars on Terra. The original recruits of the Legion were firstborn sons drawn from tribes of savage yet technologically adept Xeric warriors of the Asiatic Dustfields, which regularly battled with the much larger Yndonesic Bloc.   Alpha Legion: Ghost Legion, Harrowing, Unbroken Chain, Strife Wrought, Hydra, Combine, Left Hand of Darkness, Azure Serpent, Amaranth Coil, and simply The Legion: sabotage, destabilization, infiltration, espionage.   All across terra  


      Fire Wasp Drone
  • The Fire Wasp is a combat drone similar to a Servo-skull that is used by the forces of the Adeptus Astartes in boarding actions to venture ahead of assault parties and help them clear a path. The Fire Wasp has been used by the Space Marines since the time of the Great Crusade. The drone is sent in ahead of a boarding squad and is intended to trip enemy mines and other traps.
  • While the Fire Wasp is an extremely robust device, it is a poor combatant, and is not designed to directly engage enemy forces. Most standard patterns of the Fire Wasp are equipped with a built-in Flamer-weapon and a Searchlight device to aid in their mission.     Devestation Drone
  • Devestation Drones are Servitor drones that are used by the forces of the Adeptus Astartes in boarding actions to venture ahead of assault parties and help them clear a path. These drones, similar to the Cyclops Demolition Vehicle of the Astra Militarum, are a mobile demolition bomb armed with implosion charges designed to inflict maximum damage within a highly confined area, a useful feature during a void boarding action as it reduces the amount of damage to the starship.
  • Devastation Drones are compact, man-sized and sturdily constructed in order to resist enemy fire until they have reached their target zone. Many patterns are often mounted on heavy track units to keep them mobile, although the rarer and higher-quality patterns feature anti-gravitic plates.   Excindio
  • enslaved men of iron.
  • Servo-skull -   Servo-Automata -


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