Imperial Order of the Templar Organization in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Imperial Order of the Templar

Templar Insignia
The Imperium exists through the rule of Law. Laws are strictly enforced by the Imperial Order of the Templar, and any breach of the Law is met with harsh consequence. In a realm that holds life as sacrosanct, murder often carries the harshest penalties.   The Imperial Templar are responsible for enforcing Law throughout the Imperium, but they exist above the mundane law enforcement of a typical town or city. Rather, they focus on only the most heinous crimes, or crimes too complex or important to be left to local authorities. In addition, the Templar run the Imperial Court in which major crimes are tried, and oversee all prisons in the Imperium.   Many low-level Templars travel throughout the Imperium as roaming judges of the Imperial Court or as criminal investigators for towns and villages where the crimes are beyond the abilities of the local authorities.   As the core law enforcement agency of the Imperium, many classes and professions make up the Imperial Templar. The Templar are governed by clerics of the Order Domain, while Inquisitive and Mastermind rogues investigate and build evidence as needed to enforce the Law. Templar enforcers who pursue or detain fugitives are typically martial classes, with the most zealous members being paladins who have taken the Oath of Conquest.
Religious, Holy Order


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