The Dragon and the Prince Myth in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The Dragon and the Prince

Long ago, there was a great dragon who lived upon the Crystal Mountain. So enormous was the dragon that its silver body coiled round and round the peak and trapped within it the twelve dark gods who dwelled there, chained to their golden thrones.   Ever curious, many men sought to climb the Mountain and learn its secrets. But the dragon kept all away. With its magic, the dragon called endless snow and blasting wind onto the slopes of the mountain. Still, many tried and many died on that icy peak, none to return.   In those days, all the Valley was ruled by the great King Roeyen Ironeyes from his castle upon the cliff. Though he had many children, it was his youngest son Sigismund who was the most beautiful, the most brave. Yet the rule was not to be his, as his sister, Asfala, was due the crown upon his father's passing. And so Sigismund dedicated himself to a life of knighthood and valor, doing good deeds throughout the Valley.   One day, Sigismund happened upon a woman, weeping at the base of the Mountain. "Why do you cry?" he asked of the woman.   "My dear son, Nicolai! He has climb the peak, seeking forbidden knowledge. I fear he will never return!" she wailed.   "Such folly!" exclaimed Sigismund. "Why would he do such a thing?"   "It is for love of his mother," she replied. "For I am dying, and none can save me. He believes a cure may be found there!"   Moved by so noble a gesture, Sigismund resolved to find the woman's son at any cost. "Weep not, for I will find your son."   For a day and a night, Sigismund rode higher and higher on the snowy peaks. His horse perished from the cold, and he was forced to continue on foot. On the morning of the second day, he neared the peak and saw before him the great curling body of the dragon, and a young lad clutched in its claws.   "Halt there little one and come no closer! Why must you creatures plague me so?" roared the dragon, as it saw his approach.   "Be at peace, Great One! I come only for the boy, for he means no harm!"   At this, the dragon was surprised, and looked again at the small body in its claws. "This one? He craves what is forbidden. Forever are men seeking that which is beyond them, and forever will they be punished for it!" With that, the dragon moved to swallow the boy whole.   "Stay your jaws, Great One! Listen to my plea! The boy's heart is good, for he only seeks that knowledge to help those who suffer, for his mother lays dying and none know how to save her. Truly if knowledge has any purpose, would it not be to help those who cannot help themselves?"   The dragon was moved by this. "You are wise for one so small. Though however pure his heart, it is foolish to seek anything of good in this place. The knowledge herein only corrupts and forever must be locked away. Many have died to keep it so and so shall I if I must." Setting down the cold and terrified boy, the dragon growled, "Now begone to both of you and never return to this place!"   The Prince and the boy descended the peak as quickly as they could, returning to the woman, who lay on her deathbed. Overjoyed to see her son alive she finally died at peace. "I have nothing now," said the boy. "I wish to follow you Prince Sigismund, teach me to be a great knight!" And Sigismund agreed. They became fast friends and soon Nicolai grew to be a great knight and the closest companion of the Prince. Together, they formed a band of brave warriors, aiding those less fortunate and helping all in need.   Many years later, while the dragon slept, one of the dark gods slipped free of its chains and sprang away into the sky. The dragon gave chase and a great battle raged forth. Thunder and lightning split the sky and people throughout the Valley fled before the tumult, even the great King, All, that is, except his youngest son, Prince Sigismund. Brave and strong, the Prince rode forth with Nicolai and his most courageous companions seeking to aid the dragon. But they were too late. The dark god smote the dragon upon the earth, where it lay, its body broken and life fading.   Riding close, Sigismund leapt from his horse and ran to the dragon. "Great One! How can we save you?"   "I recognize you, wise Prince. There is no saving me, but I task you with this: Guard the Crystal Mountain and the treasures it holds. Let none ascend that peak. For with my death, the evils there will have free reign on those icy slopes and all the Valley is in great peril. Do you accept?"   "I accept," answered Sigismund, as did his companions.   "Then take from my eyes two gems. They will pierce the veil of darkness that covers this Valley and offer a beacon of salvation for those who dwell in it." And so the dragon died, its body crumbling to dust, leaving only its bones and two gems in place of its eyes.   Together, Prince Sigismund and Nicolai formed a new order of knights, sworn to protect the Valley and guard the mountain from the miscreants and fools who tried to scale its slopes. Over the bones of the dragon, they built a mausoleum. From the gems they fashioned a sword and an amulet, to be carried one by each. And they called themselves the Order of the Dragon.


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