The Mists Physical / Metaphysical Law in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The Mists

Eerie mists surround Dibril Valley and bind its inhabitants there. This deadly fog engulfs any creature that tries to leave. Even flying creatures are subject to the fog’s effects. No matter how far a creature travels in the fog, or in which direction it goes, it gets turned around so that it eventually finds itself back in Dibril. Any creature who lingers too long in the Mists suffers extreme exhaustion and eventually dies.  


The people of Dibril Valley believe that Ravna van Roeyen controls the Mists. The Vistani traditionally can travel freely through the Mists; the Vistani believe this is due to a debt she owes them for saving her life long ago.   Many also believe that no souls can move on from Dibil Valley, but instead linger in the Mists, only to be reborn at a later time.  


The party learns the Lady Fiona Wachter has a magical mirror that can find souls trapped in the Mists and communicate with them.   They later learn from the Mad Mage that the Dark Powers hunt and devour the souls trapped in the MIsts, gradually reducing the number of souls available for those reborn. This results in many people in Dibril being born with no souls.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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