The Two Sisters Myth in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The Two Sisters

There once were two sisters who ran a small farm, but it was plagued by wolves eating the livestock and ravens eating the vegetables.   "We must always guard our farm," the sisters agreed. "For if we ever turn our backs, the ravens and wolves will devour everything we have!"   The sisters decided that whenever one would leave, the other would stay to guard the farm.   An angel saw the sisters dedication and decided to test their hearts. Changing his form into that of an old beggar, he approached the farm when only the older sister was there.   "Dear girl, I am alone and hungry, please share some of your bounty!"   And the girl said, "You poor man. Today, I have guarded this food and so it is mine to give. Take what you will!" And so he did.   The next day the angel returned when only the younger sister was there.   "Dear girl, I am alone and hungry, please share some of your bounty!"   And the girl said, "You poor man. Today, I have guarded this food and so it is mine to give. Take what you will!" And so he did.   On the third day, the angel returned in the form of a monk and said, "You dear girls, come with me, you deserve more than such a small farm!"   And so they followed him to the edge of the Luna river. He turned to the older sister and asked, "My dear, if I were to grant you one wish, what would it be?"   "I'd be happy if I was a great Lady and ruler of the valley!"   "So be it," said the angel, and all the wolves that fed on their sheep turned to horses and men, soldiers and hunters. "My Lady!" they said to the older sister.   "You have your wish! See that you do not forget the poor, now that you are rich!" said the angel.   Then he and the younger sister traveled farther down the river. He turned to the younger sister and asked, "My dear, if I were to grant you one wish, what would it be?"   "I'd be happy if our small farm was great, so great it could feed all the valley!"   "So be it," said the angel, and all the ravens that fed on their gardens turned to crops and animals, workers and buildings, creating a great farm. "Mistress!" they said to the younger sister.   "You have your wish! See that you do not forget the poor, now that you are rich!" said the angel.   After ten years, the angel decided to return to see how the two sisters were doing. Assuming the form of an old beggar, he went first to the older sister's manor house, where she was busy preparing a great feast for many noble guests.   "Dear girl, I beg of you, bless an old man with a soft bed and a warm meal!"   "Away with you vagabond or I will call the dogs!"   The angel lifted his staff and lo! All the horses and men, and the castle and servants turned back into a pack of howling wolves. "In your prosperity, you have forgotten kindness!"   Next he went to the younger sister's great farm, where she worked diligently amongst the wine-presses.   "Dear girl, I beg of you, spare a glass of wine and a bite of cheese!"   "Ah you poor man! All this is not for me, but for the people of the valley, and so I am happy to give. Come in and have what you will!"   And the angel was pleased and he blessed the sister again and said, "Kindness brought you this fortune, and it is yours to enjoy so long as you are kind to others."


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