Sentient Artifical Intelligence

Sentient Artificial Intelligences can be found filling a variety of roles throughout the galaxy. They can be softwareor hardware-based. Many A.I. can switch between these two states if required, but the process can be disorienting for all but the most strongwilled, requiring a certain amount of downtime for adjustment.   As one might expect, they are often found working in research as technicians, analysts, data storage, or any combination of these. Well-appointed laboratories can operate continuously using groups of trusted A.I. who do not require rest or other breaks. Highlevel experiments, however, are always conducted or monitored by organic personnel.   A.I. are commonly used in larger vessels, especially in U.N. military craft. The complete control the A.I. has over the ship means fewer crew are needed. Those board can also devote more time to other tasks beyond the simple monitoring and maintenance of routine ship’s functions. This can include research, gatheringand reviewing data, or continued training. The A.I. is also available to take over in case of emergency. They can be relied upon to get a ship back to safety even if the entire crew is rendered unable to do so.   Since their widespread use in the last century, an A.I. has never been corrupted nor committed a crime of any sort. Human and L’Ni programming means they are safe and trustworthy, just as genetic modification has done for humans. While it might seem convenient to simply let A.I. and other robots operate everything, this is frowned upon by most. The need for humans to have something to do (especially something they enjoy) and be useful is quite powerful. Pride in one’s work and accomplishments are also strong motivators. After all, what joy can be had in allowing A.I. to create a hand-made vase or make the next big discovery in astrophysics? Hence, humans continue to work alongside A.I. rather than allowing them to completely take over.


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