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Abadar is worshipped as the god of cities, law, merchants, and wealth. Abadar’s cathedral-banks are found in many cities and places where order thrives or is gaining a foothold. Aristocrats, city guards, merchants, and those working in legal practice or who have the well-being of their community on their mind are common worshippers of the god of cities, along with dwarves in general. Abadaran priests living in cities often serve as judges, lawyers, and clerks, while those who live on the frontier work as roving magistrates, acting as judge, jury, and executioners in the name of order.

Followers of the Master of the First Vault preach the benefits of civilized society. For many of his worshipers, the rule of law takes precedent over concerns of morality.

Edicts bring civilization to the frontiers, earn wealth through hard work and trade, follow the rule of law
Anathema engage in banditry or piracy, steal, undermine a law-abiding court
Areas of Concern cities, law, merchants, and wealth
Follower Alignments LG, LN, LE
Worshippers Architects, aristocrats, bankers, judges, lawmakers, lawyers, merchants
Adjective Abadaran
Holy Texts The Order of Numbers (core text), The Manual of City-Building


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