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Ahmoset Nez

male Pahmet dwarf merchant-explorer

A dwarf with the dark skin and the shorn cheeks of the Osirian Pahmet culture, Ahmoset works as a “procurement specialist” who acquires whatever his clients need, no matter an item’s rarity, legal status, or current ownership. While less a housebreaker than a trader and adventurer, Ahmoset’s prices mean no one hires him for the easy jobs, and his exotic patchwork of armor from across the world is proof of both his worldliness and his success, though not necessarily of his discretion.

Ahmoset has done a number of interesting jobs that he’s happy to reminisce about, such as acquiring the griffon in the Elysium room for Hoff or procuring a live ochre jelly for Hendrid Pratchett, the proprietor of the Dreaming Palace, who said he planned to use the creature as part of a unique garbage and sewage disposal system. He didn’t ask any further questions. He also sold Jeremin Hoff his griffon.



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