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Ama Uomi

female Minkaian human architect

The Delegation of Minkai's chief architect and head of construction for the Dragonfly Pagoda. Came under scrutiny for hiring the Stonescales, a clan of kobolds native to Absalom's undercity, to do overnight labor and construction on the Pagoda project in substandard conditions and unfair pay. The situation reached a boiling point and, after a hostage situation that saw the Stonescales split into two factions, Ama agreed to backpay the kobolds and acknowledge their demands to save face amidst the debacle.

Ama additionally was the one to report the missing stonemasons from the Pagoda project to Edgewatch and is considered not only for their safety but that more negative press could compound on her and the delegation she represents with the project. The fact that the Jade Regent of Minkai is visiting the Radiant Festival has put a lot of stress on Uomi's shoulders.

Ama Uomi lost a lifelong friend, Ibetsuo, to the kobold battle leader, Rekarek. She wears the dragonfly brooch she originally gave Ibetsuo as a memory of her friend.



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