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The Arcanamirium is not only the largest and oldest school in Absalom, but quite possibly the most prestigious arcane magic academy in the entire Inner Sea region of Golarion.

The Arcanamirium is Absalom’s foremost magical academy. Practicality and generalism are emphasized there at the expense of flashiness, abstraction, and specialization. Journeymen are encouraged to practice and experiment with industrial and commercial uses for magic, and many of Absalom’s export goods owe their higher quality to the innovations of an Arcanamirium maven’s transmutations. The Arcanamirium strives to populate the world with wizards who are capable of using magic to help those around them, not just in times of crisis but for everyday needs as well.

The school is overseen by the first spell lord, an appointed official who handles all questions of magic within Absalom and its holdings. A strict hierarchy within the student body ensures that pupils are not only divided by ability and experience, but that apprentices serve journeymen in their efforts to learn as well as pay the often steep tuition.

College / Academy


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