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It sometimes takes 2 hours or more to get from Eastgate to districts on the far side of town, but most residents find the long commute a fair exchange for the relative safety of Eastgate’s cozy neighborhoods. A few manor homes of minor nobles peek above the thatched roofs of this district, which houses many more workers and artisans than hobnobbing members of high society. The Low Azlanti enclave of Gilltown—the city’s largest gathering of this ancient line of aquatic humans—is also found here, situated out of sight of major roads behind a row of inexpensive housing for the district watch, laborers, and clerks.

Eastgate’s verdant Green Ridge neighborhood is home to the Grand Holt, the oldest and largest tree on the Isle of Kortos. This multi-trunked fig tree spans several city blocks, with buildings demolished or modified to account for its increasingly fecund growth (especially in the last decade). Even as blights like the Tyrant’s Grasp and the Welt seem to rob Kortos of its vitality, the Grand Holt grows stronger year after year. A fanatic cult called the Circle of Stones cares for the tree, as well as for Iolanthe, the immortal dryad queen who dwells within. The Holt provides a refuge for nature-loving adventurers like druids and rangers, whom the cult hires to tackle all manner of adventures designed to further Iolanthe’s influence in the city and Greater Kortos.

District Guard
Post Guard of The Postern
Places of Interest
Blue Tower – The tallest building in Eastgate and home to the Winged Sandals.
Grand Holt
Green Ridge
House of the Planes – Illicit speakeasy and thematic nightclub.
Mullig's – A dive bar, also the front for the House of the Planes.
Raptor's Rest – A concealed graveyard mostly full of Eagle Garrison tombstones.
Peronal residence of Fanin and Winn Bajdu.


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