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Foreign Quarter

Absalom’s Foreign Quarter boasts whole neighborhoods that take on the character of distant lands. Taverns, hostels, and inns crowd the streets nearest the district’s largest thoroughfares, attracting those who come to Absalom by road or by sea to rest a while among cordial strangers chattering in a symphony of languages. Foremost among the district’s attractions is the Irorium, an immense coliseum that hosts gladiatorial combats, mock sea-battles, religious festivals, historical pageants, and more. The largest open-air arena on the Inner Sea, the Irorium boasts multiple public battles each day, and its gladiators count themselves among the city’s most influential celebrities. The imposing structure takes its name from Irori, and that deity’s clergy administers an influential temple and fighting college in the arena’s understructure that draws combatants from all over Golarion.

Not far from the arena is the Grand Lodge of Absalom, the worldwide headquarters for the Pathfinder Society adventurer’s guild. Beyond a massive gate bearing the Glyph of the Open Road lies seven ancient fortresses, each with its own function related to the Society’s worldwide affairs. Adventurers set out from the Grand Lodge on missions through Greater Kortos and far beyond, with all Pathfinder agents invited to return home to the Lodge every year for the order’s Grand Convocation, a boisterous occasion for information-sharing and engaging in friendly competition.

District Guard
Sleepless Suns of Utterhome
Places of Interest


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