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Government of Absalom

The government of Absalom is the Grand Council which is chaired by the Primarch, a position held by Wynsal Starborn since the disappearance of Lord Gyr of House Gixx in 4717 AR.

Management of the individual city districts is handled by district councils, which meet within their respective quarter. Absalom's great wealth is driven by trade, so the city's rulers strive to craft policies favorable to commerce (and their own interests), but otherwise, take a relative laissez-faire approach to regulation. Taxes in the city are very light, although Siege Taxes during wartime may be significantly higher. There are no property taxes, although the city charges for access to roads, sanitation, and other public infrastructure. Modest taxes on foreign merchants are generally sufficient to supply the city's needs.

Government Structure

The Primarch

The Primarch has additional privileges unique to the position, granting his considerable power over the Council, and by corollary the City at the Center of the World itself. The position is held for life and a Primarch cannot name a successor. It is within his power to veto any political appointment from a member of the High Council taking a specific position to the creation of a new low seat. He is also the only person capable of calling the High Council to meet and can thus hold the government of the city hostage unless his demands are met. Traditionally, the Primarch also holds the position of Sea Lord, though this is the decision of the Primarch, and Lord Gyr previously held the title of First Spell Lord instead. The Primarch's Residence is located in the Wise Quarter, although Wynsal Starborn does not reside there, and is the last confirmed sighting of Lord Gyr before his disappearance.

Known Primarchs

  • Wynsal Starborn ca. 4717 AR to present, as Acting Primarch
  • Gyr of House Gixx 4660–4717 AR
  • Seib of House Slavikes at some point after 4606 AR, ending 4659 AR
  • Daynce of House Ryeen ca. 2850 AR
  • Willis of House Loranne at some point between 1997–2849 AR

The Grand Council

Composed of the Primarch, High Council, and Low Council.

Attaining a High Council seat requires nothing more than showing one of twelve magical cornucopias which act as seals of office at an annual meeting. These positions are generally held by powerful merchants, important religious figures, and members of the aristocracy. Seats of the Low Council are decided by High Council vote annually and members of the Low Council typically hold minor or unglamorous bureaucratic positions. Members of the Low Council generally come from prominent families or are prominent officeholders. More notable titles such as Exchequer of the Taxation, Justice of the Courts, Trade Minister, and Sea Lord are reserved for High Council members.

The Grand Council votes on all matters of the state except those denoted as Matters of Note, which are debated and decided by the High Council only. Of course, whether an issue is a Matter of Note is itself a Matter of Note, meaning that the High Council can take over any issue that a majority of them wish to rule on.

Each district is represented in the Low Council by at least one seat and each Absalom's vassal-cities also receive two seats, appointed by their governments. A number of Low Council seats are also handed out to fill whatever duties the High Council feels need representation.

Provincial Councils

Other Government Offices

Members of the High Council

  • Primarch: Wynsal Starborn (acting), Lord Gyr of Gixx (missing)
  • Captain of Starwatch: Asilia of Gyr
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer: Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq
  • Chief Sanitation Commissioner: Larrett
  • Commander Militant: Chun Hye-Seung
  • Diplomatic Minister: Ferridan Severus
  • First Lady of Laws: Scion Lady Neferpatra of House Ahnkamen
  • First Lord of Spells: Garethal Brighteyes (acting), Lord Gyr of Gixx (missing)
  • Harbormaster: Scion Lady Adrielle Nephrathep of House Fyrlenn
  • Kortos Viceroy: Jaress Molinarro
  • Sea Lord: Lerefys of House Kethlin
  • Trade Minister: Grenduul Fleng

Members of the Low Council

  • Brythen Blood, Petal District district seat, retired Second Spell Lord
  • Lady Darchana of House Madinani, Senior Lesser Councilwoman, Second Spell Lord of Absalom, Archdean of the Arcanamirium
  • Darabele Fairwind, Flotsam Graveyard district seat (Subject to change pending book update.)
  • Jostlin Ferqyr, Ivy District district seat
  • Scion Lord Haimon Hueff of House Mercerene, Eastgate district seat
  • Brivit Nae, Wise Quarter district seat, Head Librarian of the Forae Logos and guildmaster of the Scrivener's Guild
  • Scion Lord Rogren Sphairo of House Menchemes, Westgate district seat
  • (Azlanti Keep district seat currently unspecified)
  • Evigail of House Wycomb, Green Ridge district seat (Subject to change pending book update.)

Provincial Councils

Each district is governed by a provincial council, which is headed by a nomarch (except the Petal District council, which is headed by a satrap). The nomarch is appointed by the Low Council and must be approved by the Primarch. The nomarch of each council also sits on the Low Council of Absalom, but may not sit on the Grand Council due to the Reborn Rebellion of 1464 AR. Each council has its own rules and traditions, influenced by the cultural heritage of the district's residents, and operates independently, although the Grand Council can overrule any local decision.

Other Government Offices

Law Lords

Spell Lords


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