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Grospek Lavarsus

Lieutenant Grospek Lavarsus (a.k.a. The Dragon)

male Absalomian human lieutenant

Lieutenant Grospek Lavarsus is sometimes called “the Dragon of Edgewatch Station,” and for good reason. Rare is the occasion when the lieutenant isn’t roaring orders or metaphorically roasting a subordinate for some failure of duty. Given sole command of the newly established Edgewatch as a reward for decades of exemplary service in the Post Guard—and, some guards whisper, because no other division wanted to deal with him—Lavarsus is determined to keep the Radiant Festival safe and turn the struggling

Edgewatch into the most respected guard precinct in Absalom.

Even today, as the head of the Edgewatch, Lavarsus remains notoriously short-tempered. Though he would never go so far as to abuse his staff physically (unless they’re foolish enough to start something), the lieutenant has perfected the art of cutting down subordinates with angry tirades, derisive remarks, and menial punishments. As a result, most of his guards live in perpetual fear of drawing his ire, though a few have managed to win enough of his respect to shrug off his outbursts or actively defy him.

Lavarsus likes to think of himself as a stern father figure. He insists that he’s hard on his troops because he wants to help them realize their true potential. Fortunately for him, he’s obedient enough to authority and good enough at the other parts of his job that his superiors are willing to give him free rein to run his department as he likes—the tyrant of his own little fiefdom.

Now in his forties and a bit past his physical prime, Lavarsus remains a towering figure, a broad-shouldered Taldan man with brown hair streaked with gray and a bushy mustache. While he rarely takes to the streets himself anymore, he still insists on wearing a battered silver breastplate over his uniform. He can often be found with an unlit cigar in his mouth, leading many guards to note “if he’s not chewing on that, he’s chewing on you.”

Current Location
Sky blue, frustrated
Dirty blonde curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

Character Portrait image: by Setiawan Lee


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