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House of the Planes

An exclusive underworld (and literally underground) speakeasy with a VIP waiting list, carved out of the Undercity ruins beneath Eastgate. Owned and operated by Jeremin Hoff. Two entrances are known, the first is a front behind the Eastgate dive bar known as Mullig's (or Mulligan's, depending on your dwarven) and the latter is a secret backdoor accessed through a series of Undercity tunnels beneath the Raptor's Rest graveyard.

The clientele is all high-class lowlifes. The front door to Mullig's is guarded by an absolutely massive orc bouncer covered in scars, carrying no weapons save his fists and incongruously high-pitched voice.

Rooms of the House of the Planes

The walls of this room have been painted with an endless field of gravestones under a black sky. Open archways along the walls lead to numerous other rooms. A tall, black-robed woman with long white hair and ash-colored makeup perches on a spiral-marked headstone in the room’s center next to an oversized stone sarcophagus filled with dirt.
People of Interest
Faux-Rasma Impersonator, a campy woman dressed as Pharasma and a patron's Guide to the Afterlife

This nearly empty room is notably colder than the others. Guests sit on the bare stone floor or chunks of rubble. The walls are painted with scenes of a vast wasteland and erupting volcanoes, and a spherical light fixture on one wall only barely illuminates the room thanks to a dark circle of metal that eclipses it. A horse-skull mask obscures the bartender’s face as she sits cross-legged on the floor surrounded by her bottles and a single conspicuous half-full chalice.
People of Interest
Lomo Dibashi, a pathetic drunk of a Forlorn man

The walls of this room are painted with capering demons of all varieties. There’s no bar here, only a collection of glass cases that stand like pillars throughout the room. Inside each case is a bottle surrounded by a different form of unpleasantness—worms, scorpions, blood, and worse.
People of Interest
Molly Crimson, haphephobic brothel madam working her charms in the room

All the tables in this room are perfectly square and situated in a neat grid. Copper wire runs in geometric patterns across the walls, linking together tiny glass bulbs that blink and glow. A chalkboard on one wall holds a riddle written in large, perfect block letters.
People of Interest
Wilifred Stoneburrow, a strongarmed dwarf and head of Stoneburrow & Associates

Murals of impossibly high mountains and endless forests cover the walls here, while marble sculptures of winged snake-women curl around pillars in the corners. On one side of the room, a live griffon is chained to an artificial nest, glaring at patrons and snapping at tossed scraps, while waitstaff dressed as Calistrian clergy maintain a careful distance.
People of Interest
Ahmoset Nez, traveling adventure capitalist, and monster wrangler

The walls of this well-lit room are painted with blue skies and bright, fluffy clouds, except for the wall behind the bar, which portrays an enormous mountain. Waitstaff drift between the tables wearing revealing white robes and fake feathered wings. A one-foot-high round stone pedestal stands in one corner.
People of Interest
Reginald Vancaskerkin, owner of the tabloid newspaper Eyes on Absalom and oily gossip

Red lanterns drench this room in bloody light, illuminating walls painted with fiery pits and rocky crags. All of the tables here are inset into waist-high pits in the floor, and the bartender stands in their own bottle-lined pit in the center, sporting either a tiefling’s brow-horns or a set of remarkable fakes. Elaborate torture devices stand at the ready all around the room.
People of Interest
Jeremin Hoff, labor broker and owner of the House of the Planes

Spinning, multicolored lanterns paint the walls and denizens of this room in a disorienting riot of kaleidoscopic shapes. A gnome in the corner plays discordant tunes on what appears to be a pile of scrap metal, and the bartender wears an entire taxidermy swan as a hat.
People of Interest
Sharim and Halan Muzullah, hookah brothers and pesh aficionados

The walls of this room are painted with rolling hills, pastoral forests, and floating temples. The tables, bar, and seats in the room are mostly carved to look like tree stumps and other natural phenomena, save for a raised stone dais in the center which has a squared-off surface inset with lit torches.
People of Interest
Cass Hamish, smooth-talking cyclops with an icy demeanor


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