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Norgorber is known as a Taldan deity of thievery and assassination, as well as a keeper of secrets. He is called the 'Reaper of Reputation' by some, but has more insidious titles among his other worshipers. He remains an enigma to most, and his true motives are unknown. Many of his own followers remain ignorant of his plans and designs. Norgorber is the only evil deity amongst the Ascended. Worshipers of Norgorber are considered cultists by nearly all inhabitants of the Inner Sea region. The cult is forbidden in almost every nation except Absalom, where it is tolerated. There are cults dedicated to Norgorber throughout the Inner Sea region.

Norgorber's worshipers come from all walks of life, and are collectively termed Sons and Daughters of the Mask. Most followers of Norgorber choose one of his Four Aspects to particularly worship, and while these four followings may cooperate on plans orchestrated by Norgorber and his agents they otherwise pay only marginal attention to each other and act almost as entirely separate faiths.

The Four Aspects



Father Skinsaw

The followers of the cult of Father Skinsaw are known as the Skinsaw Cult, and are the most dangerous and extreme. Father Skinsaw's faithful include mass murderers and bandits, who believe that every murder is a prayer and commit brutal killings in their god's name in the belief that this advances their patron's secret plans.



Reaper of Reputation

He remains an enigma to most, and his true motives are unknown. Spies and politicians worship Norgorber as the Reaper of Reputation, and consider him the deity of secret knowledge and manipulation. Followers of the Reaper vary, including relatively benign manipulators of politics whose social maneuvering benefits others as well as themselves. An open secret.

Anathema (REDACTED)
Areas of Concern Greed, murder, secrets (plus more?)
Follower Alignments N, LE, NE, CE
Worshippers (REDACTED) – unknown; Father Skinsaw – murderers, bandits; (REDACTED) – unknown; Reaper of Reputation – Spies, politicians
Adjective Norgorberite
Holy Texts (REDACTED)


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