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(Ragathiel is an empyreal lord and, as such, is not as widely known or venerated as many of the more common religions in Absalom. His most notable worshippers are noble knights and paladins and his name is more well known within the ranks of the military and city guard, than elsewhere. Not much is known by outsiders of the structure and practices of his faithful, although his hardly makes the Avowed look like a typical empyreal-worshipping "mystery cult".)

Ragathiel, the General of Vengeance presides over chivalry, duty, and vengeance, acting as the quintessential knight. Born of the archdevil Dispater and Feronia, a neutral demigoddess of fire, Ragathiel struggles to overcome the reputation of his parentage, and he understands the struggle to be accepted, to be trusted, and to fight against his own nature for the sake of good. He represents strength in battle, wrath upon the wicked, absolution or vengeance for the wronged, leadership when needed, and virtue and duty to the innocent. He expects his followers to destroy fiends when they find them and to work toward truly earning the trust and acceptance of those around them. Those who follow him lead by shining example and can be found on the front lines of battle or any conflict against evil they can find.

Ragathiel appears as a massive giant, standing more than 20 feet tall, clad in golden plate armor that shines with its own light and carrying a sword that burns with holy fire. Five flaming wings stretch from his back, three on his left and two on his right—the sixth was lost, torn out by his father in a fit of fury. Followers of Ragathiel include crusaders, knights, soldiers, the falsely accused, the marginalized, and the wronged.

Edicts Avenge the wronged, destroy evildoers, lead the charge in battle
Anathema Cower from combat, forgive those who have irreparably sinned, leave allies unwillingly in darkness
Areas of Concern chivalry, duty, and vengeance
Follower Alignments LG
Worshippers Knights, soldiers, wronged, paladins, honorable warriors, militant clerics
Adjective Avowed
Holy Text none

Paladin Code:

The paladins of Ragathiel are shining beacons of furious resolve on the battlefield, and they are careful stewards of valor everywhere. The tenets of Ragathiel’s paladins include the following affirmations.

  • I will avenge evil wrought upon the innocent.
  • I will not give my word lightly, but once it is given, I will uphold a promise until my last breath.
  • Those proven guilty must be punished for their crimes. I will not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing.
  • Rage is a virtue and a strength only when focused against the deserving. I will never seek disproportionate retribution.
  • Redemption finds hearts from even the cruelest origins. I will strive not to act upon prejudice against fellow mortals based on race or origin.


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