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Session 0 - First Impressions

General Summary

The heroic new recruits—newly inducted into the Edgewatch, outfitted with their uniforms and gear, and all assigned to the same patrol unit—are summoned into Lt. Grospek Lavarsus’s office for their first briefing. His attitude is abrasive and condescending, but straight and to the point: as new recruits on their first day with their new patrol, they are to respond to a noise complaint at a nearby tavern and inn.

Quickly making their way to the Tipsy Tengu, the officers are ushered in by the intimidated owner, Belberry Breckenridge, and the details are fleshed out by a charming man, Hendrid Pratchett, and his associate, Ralso, who was boarding the trouble brewing in the bar. A second later the man is assaulted from across the room by a thrown glass stein, smashing him in the face. He is escorted out to safety with a bloody wound on his face and the officers approach the four disorderly newbie adventurers, who are going by either the Splendid Spelunkers or the Burning Banshees. There is a small amount of back and forth with them as tempers and agitations flair up from the drunk "heroes", although the combat is quickly quelled with little difficulty. Their spirits quelled, the four Spelunkers/Banshees are arrested and fined, likely spending a night in the drunk tank.

Breckenridge thanks the officers and leaves an open invite for drinks on the house, any time, in appreciation. Returning to Edgewatch Station and filing their reports, Lt. Lavarsus cuts them loose for the night, to enjoy the opening ceremonies for the Radiant Festival, and to report back to the duty board and Sgt. Ollo first thing in the morning.

The newest members of Edgewatch enjoy themselves with the night's opening parade, a sensory bombardment of the greatest miracles the Inner Sea and surrounding regions of Avistan and beyond have to offer. With the first day of their new careers under their belts, who knows what incredible challenges and miraculous encounters they'll come across as the newest defenders of Absalom and it's first Radiant Festival in 200 years!


This session begins and ends on Wealday, 3 Sar, 4720 AR.
Report Date
14 Sep 2020
Primary Location


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