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Session 1 - Panic at the Zoo

General Summary

Satisfied with the agents’ handling of the noise complaint from the night before, Lieutenant Lavarsus cuts the cadets loose, ordering them to report to the duty board the next morning. Met at the duty board by Sargeant Ollo at the crack of dawn for their first full day of work, they are given a number of responses based on local disturbances and low-priority issues that could escalate if they get out of control. The cadets gear up and head out onto the streets of the Radiant Festival.

The cadets confront a number of public safety issues, confront criminals, talk with Absalomian locals and visiting tourists, and even quell a sudden emergence of several skeletal undead at a construction site. An apprentice wizard was holed up inside the apothecary of a wizard he was claiming kidnapped his mentor. A pair of feuding goblin food market cooks started a literal fire war between each other. A mugging in front of the Walking Castle roundabout. All confronted and summarily quelled.

With their first day's list of tasks completed, the cadets return to Edgewatch headquarters and are met at the door by an uncharacteristically animated Sergeant Ollo. He’s just received word that some the creatures belonging to Knight's Marvelous Menagerie have managed to escape and are terrorizing not just the zoo’s visitors, but surrounding businesses. It’s up to the agents of Edgewatch to put things right as quickly as possible and then report back. Ollo insists that at least those creatures causing havoc outside the menagerie’s fence must be handled, and preferably immediately

The cadets make their way to the Menagerie and discover chaos as several large and destructive creatures have already broken through the main gate and rampaged into the adjacent businesses. A carpet vendor has been turned to stone by a colorful Vudran peacockatrice. An elderly owlbear has gotten stuck in a grocer's and is rabidly devouring everything it can get its claws on. A rust monster, the mascot and headliner for the zoo, has sniffed out a smithy and has begun rapid destroying and devouring everything it can come across, much to the frustration of the blacksmith present.

The agents somehow manage to stop all three creatures, just as a massive venomous snake emerges with a flash from the small lake in the zoo's center and strikes at Cara from behind.

Report Date
22 Sep 2020
Primary Location


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