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Session 2 - Menagerie Mayhem

General Summary

Picking up in the midst of combat, the agents defeat the giant snake disrupting their recovery efforts and rest in earnest, poking into the unoccupied carts and then further into the Menagerie building itself. The blacksmith has extended a helping hand with a number of piecemeal weapons and shields from what survived in his shop. Finding the entry barricaded from within, the cadets find several survivors trapped inside to shield themselves from the rampaging monsters outside.

Clearing the survivors to safety outside the Menagerie's walls, the cadets move into the zoo's interior and clear out the remainder of the creatures, stepping carefully from room to room. Exley avoids the reptile room, Feragni is distracted by the insect display, and the cadets rescue a resourceful young boy who had wedged himself inside of the ankhrav cage to shield himself from the creature's projectile acid. Feragni delivered the blow that incapacitated the creature, leaving it injured enough for the agents to bail with the boy and get them all to safety.

After making their report back to Edgewatch to a moderately congratulatory Lavarsus, the heroes are given the rest of the afternoon off early to recuperate from their injuries and enjoy the Radiant Festival's sights, sounds, and flavors. The cadets follow their noses to a tavern nearby, the Fattened Goat, where they enjoy a lunch of goat-centric meals and a particular dwarven beer with what appears to be a slogan or coded threat engraved into the bottom of the glass. Translated from Dwarven, "Cut for one, cut for all." The agents also witness a pair of plainclothed watch members from Edgewatch that they're not familiar with, making their way into the backroom of the tavern, but then losing track of them.

Report Date
07 Oct 2020


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