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Session 5 - Downtime & Distractions

With the name of labor broker, Jeremin Hoff, who presumedly has information on the missing stonemasons, the Edgewatch agents begin a weekend off from their guard duties before returning to their patrols.

Continuing their investigation in earnest, the agents begin by heading to the Wise Quarter and checking in at a hotel, the White Arc, that was the last known location for one of the missing families. Unable to deduce anything from the concierge at the White Arc other than that they took their luggage with them, the agents make their way to the Ascendant Court to look into the sudden disappearance of a Starstone Hopeful named Eadmund from a small hostel, Azure Peaks. Unfortunately unable to recover much information on Eadmund other than their nom-de-plume, "The Disguised Paragon of Effigies", the agents were left with nothing more than a box of masks that the Hopeful left behind when they went missing.

The agents, hoping to gather information directly at the source, head what they have been told is the bar that acts as the front to the House of the Planes. The dive bar, Mullig's, is guarded by an absolute mountain of a bouncer, who gives nothing up to the agents and refuses to let them pass. Frustrated after several attempts, they leave and head for the entrance to the backdoor given by the kobold, Skerix. The Eagle Garrison graveyard, Raptor's Rest, is a thin plot of land between other buildings and houses a small mausoleum. Inside, the agents find a sarcophagus with a concealed staircase into the Undercity. Beginning their investigation into the darkness below, the agents find proof of recent activity and dry, chittering sounds of creatures somewhere in the tunnels beyond them.


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