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Session 9 - Dream a Little Dream of Me

10 Sar
Feragni passes out, sick from ghoul fever.
Abigail treats disease for 8 hours.
Artorius spars with Maton.
Exley studies and Cara chills with Fang for the evening.
Cara, Exley, Artorius, and Maton head to the Stockyard to inquire with Zeset Qihbrish about Ahmoset Nez, the griffon sold to Jeremin Hoff, and the ochre jelly sold to Hendrid Pratchett. They help wrangle a giant beetle.
11 Sar
Feragni has fully healed from ghoul fever, thanks to Abigail's medical assistance. She is now aware of his "condition", but doesn't mention it.
The Edgewatch crew moves in the morning to investigate the Dreaming Palace.
Confronting Ralso at the front desk, Exley pushes his way into a tour of the west wing of the building, leading from room to room.
Feragni is made invisible to scouts around the east wing of the Dreaming Palace.
Cara, Abigail, and Exley are locked in a pirate-themed room by Ralso.
Artorius is almost trapped in a Galtan-themed room by an unknown force.
Feragni was beginning to move upstairs when Ralso runs past him in the same direction, so he opts to follow her into the west wing of the second floor.
The three agents trapped in the pirate room fight a mimic disguised as a treasure chest.
Artorius breaks into the pirate room.
Cara lands a decisive blow against the mimic with her heavy pick.
Abigail, urged by Sarenrae, takes up her scimitar, which is immediately engulfed in flames. She uses it to subdue the mimic, which drops back and ceases attacking, hoping to parlay.
Feragni, upstairs, follows Ralso through Pratchett's office and to a secret staircase, where he drops his invisiblilty and attempts to place her under arrest.


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