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The Starstone is a unique gemstone meteorite that was part of a massive meteoroid that shattered and struck Golarion in -5293 AR. This event, known as Earthfall, caused the destruction of many ancient empires; it created the Inner Sea; and it ushered in the Age of Darkness.

Mythology & History

Over 5,000 years after the destruction of Earthfall, Aroden—then still a mortal—was called to the Inner Sea where the heart of the meteor still lay. It erupted from the waves as an entire massive island, topped by a unique gem made of celestial materials, ancient magic, the blood of a goddess, and the scar tissue of the planet itself: the Starstone. Aroden used his magic to keep it from ever being misused again. In response, the gods elevated him to become one of them, and the Starstone has served as a vehicle to attain divinity ever since. Aroden then founded the city of Absalom and placed the Starstone in the heart of the city, surrounding it by the Starstone Cathedral.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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