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The Stockyard is by far the biggest area of the Radiant Festival, designated for displaying livestock, steeds, and impressive fauna from all around Golarion. The pungent barns, stalls, and stables are a veritable wonderland for anyone interested in seeing firsthand the prismatic fleece of Druman alpacas, drinking fresh milk from Jalmeray blue cattle, or learning skills related to animal husbandry or the rearing of incredible beasts. Rumors abound of especially rare beasts and possibly even monsters held in fortified backrooms of the Stockyard or imprisoned in wagons nearby. At a festival where dangerous creatures like cockatrices and rust monsters are only moderately unusual attractions, it is difficult to imagine what kinds of dangerous creatures would need to be sequestered in secret holding pens.

Notable Creatures, Attractions, and Occurrences

  • Hippogriffs, griffons, winged spotted camels, and more flying steeds
  • Two centaur guards carrying a large steel crate carrying something aggressive and screeching
  • Juvenile wyverns, semi-tamed
  • Racing drakes, expertly trained
  • Hatchling drakes for companions
  • A few exquisite horses of vibrant colors
  • A few unhappy centaurs of stern expression, covered in aggressive-looking bone armor
  • Giant leeches in child-sized jars
  • Vudran peacockatrice hens, smaller and drab-colored compared to the males
  • A boy searching for a small blue elephant about "this big"
  • Seventy-five of the finest bred and groomed camels of Osirion, complete with custom shaves and braids
  • Rare and exclusive axebeak breeds from magebred designers
  • Halfling-raised Druman alpacas with their prismatic fleece
  • Small mechanical birds that never need to be wound and require no magic
  • A trio of goblin mercenaries riding large geckos
  • Whole herds of Jalmeray blue cattle of slightly varying tones and hues
  • A gray-skinned man unsuccessfully trying to convince people to look at a creature concealed in a draped birdcage
  • Hobgoblin-led animal husbandry classes regarding breeding better war mounts
  • A "long-furby", trying to sell itself
  • A shop claiming to sell animals native to wandering Sarusan, including thylacines, echidnas, dingos, and something called a platypus
  • A man claiming to be able to teach fish to "walk like people"
  • Several gillman tourists wondering if he's taking the piss or not
  • Feral dream-beasts, like the sabre, gruntjack, and toomanypede
  • A small, black box of unknown, glass-like material labeled "Fever Dream Beast"
  • Sightings of a gynosphinx flying high above the Precipice Quarter, believed to be an auspicious sign
  • A gregarious 8-foot tall man with bright blue skin gathering a crowd for an unknown purpose
  • A man who lost his familiar shop to the rampaging massive beetle, looking for a place to resettle

Notable Encounters

5 Sar, 4720 AR
  • Hippocampi foals, imported for priority use by the Absalom Wave Riders – encountered 5 Sar
  • One particular blood-red axebeak that appeared barely under control – encountered 5 Sar
  • A distraught man walking a pack of compsognathuses – encountered 5 Sar
10 Sar, 4720 AR
  • A chimera kept docile with magic, having heads of a vulture-like dragon, spiral-horned antelope, and a massive black jaguar – encountered 10 Sar
  • Slimy, blind-eyed, saber-toothed toads of unusual size – encountered 10 Sar
  • Gap-toothed goblins with a large wooden crate labeled "TOOF FAIREES" – encountered 10 Sar
  • A cat-sized blue elephant creature moving with purpose in the direction of the Mystic Gardens – encountered 10 Sar
  • A thirty-man troop of dwarf strongmen wrangling the largest beetle anyone has ever seen – encountered 10 Sar


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