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Vermillion Chapel

The only major chapel to Ragathiel, the Empyreal Lord known as the "General of Vengeance". The Vermillion Chapel is a modestly decorated, open-floor building with thin, stained glass windows of red hues, depicting Ragathiel's triumphs in war and conquests against great evils. Banner of rich red silk and potted dragonspur palms are the only embellishments on much of the columns of the interior structure, entirely made of imported white marble. The open design of the chapel allows it to be properly utilized for its true purpose, a warfare training ground and area to practice military tactics and combat scenarios. Paladins and warpriests from all over the Inner Sea make pilgrimages to the Vermillion Chapel to train in one of many unique fighting styles taught by the still-active chaplains of Ragathiel.

The Vermillion Chapel is the only known location outside of Heaven itself that teaches the defense-focused fighting style of the Sixth Wing Bulwark. Additionally, the Vermillion Chapel can train warrior bards to perform the Clamor of the Heavens and often swears its champions to one of two oaths, the oath of the people's council, and the oath of the Mendevian crusade, although with the Worldwound now closed, many crusaders are returning from the North seeking new direction in the endless fight against evil and the Abyss.

Combat/Training Styles:

Angelfire Apostle (cloistered clerics)
Crimson Templar (paladin champions and ruffian rogues)
Proclaimer (warpriest clerics)
Sixth Wing Bulwark (warpriest clerics and paladin champions)
Temple / Religious complex


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