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Originally labeled "lycanthropes" of all different varieties and origins, taxonomists have recently relabeled the uniquely cursed creatures away from the common term, except where that still applies exclusively to wolflike hybrids. Therianthropic creatures (simplified to werecreatures) and their kin can be found all over the Inner Sea region, most just as dangerous as the next.

There are three steps to the bloodline of a werecreature:

  • True: Those "true" werecreatures that are born with the curse. This curse cannot be removed.
  • Afflicted: Those werecreatures that receive their curse through transmission. This curse can be removed if caught before the afflicted creature's first transformation.
  • Beastkin: Those half-werecreatures, the offspring of either type of were-creature parent and an un-cursed creature. Beastkin are as reviled as true werecreatures in some areas, despite their inability to transmit the curse to any other individuals, although this is not universally true.

The following is a short list of commonly recognized werecreatures around the Inner Sea:

  • werebear
  • wereboar
  • werecrocodile
  • werehouse
  • wereraptor (bird of prey)
  • wereraptor (dinosaur)
  • wererat
  • wereshark
  • weretiger
  • werewolf


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