BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Ziri Musarde

female ysoki adventurer

Feragni's older sister and eleventh sibling in line. Ziri is the wildcard, loves Feragni dearly, and is the closest thing the family has to a truly chaotic element. She has blonde fur and her ears are covered in metal piercings that weigh them down even when emoting. She returned from a months-long trip to the southeastern countries of Nex, Geb, and Alkenstar recently with a number of treasures and relics in tow, most of which are currently being catalogued for sale or repair. Her time away provided her with a few new piercings (she gets one from every new place she visits, when possible) and a shock of purple dye in her hair that she claims was a parting gift from a gnome "wild mage" she "pissed off" near the "Mana Wastes" and she hopes "never wears off as long as it's safe".



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