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Berrian "Buzz" Xiloscient

male elf-kin chaotic good sha'ir sorcerer/rogue

Berrian Xiloscient (a.k.a. Buzz)

Buzz's Story

  Berrian Xiloscient knows little more of his origin other than that he was raised as a wharf-rat in and around the harbor of Starfall. All those that sheltered the orphan boy throughout his youth know is that he was found as a swaddling babe at the front door of the harbormaster's house in the so-called Port of the Pirates. That and that the child's precocious and outspoken nature was both endearing and infuriating. The boy's endearing nature served as a good survival mechanism, though, and he was kept whole and mostly safe throughout his childhood despite the infuriating parts of his character.   By the time he reached adolescence, his predilection to not stand still for too long earned him the nickname "Buzz". It was also around that time that he took to the seas. Buzz was a natural sailor and his acumen earned him work aboard the ships of both the Corsairs and even the occasional more nefarious privateer or pirate. It was aboard the ship of the company of a little-known pirate known only as Captain Vangar that Buzz spent the final three or so years as a teenager.   Eventually, Buzz found his way through his employers to the expansive trade city, Suzerain. He instantly fell in love with the metropolis and longed to return to it from the moment he left. During this time, Buzz was also starting to show signs of an innate acumen for arcane power. A storm sorcerer in the employ of Captain Vangar took a liking to the young man and helped him to tap into his inborn skills.   Buzz's mentor, a N'gollan named Corwill was killed in a firefight with ships of the Mithanos Imperium. During the fight, the master died in the student's arms. Before he passed, he bequeathed two things to the young sorcerer. The first was his familiar, a parrot named Ceedub. The second was his misgivings that Buzz's innate abilities had something to do with where, or more importantly, who he came from.   As his mentor died, Buzz swore that he was done with the seas and vowed he'd go to Suzerain to seek another life. And to seek more information about his own origin. After the fight, Buzz made this promise come to pass and quickly made his way back to the Trade City.

Buzz's Descriptions and Mannerisms

Buzz's elven heritage is as plain as his pointed ears, his fine features, and his oblong, purple eyes accentuated by sea-green flecks. His facial hair however, is indication of mixed ancestry, as is his stocky frame, nearly six feet in height. His acrobatic abilities despite limited physical power are further indications of his heritage. He has fair skin despite many years on the seas and keeps his light-brown hair slicked back and bound in a single braid below his shoulders down to the middle of his back. A barely perceptible tinge of light blue in his skin is a marker of his sorcerous origins.   The elf-kin sorcerer may have "retired" from sailing but his attire might suggest otherwise. His tan vest with gold decorations belonged to Corwill before he died and looks very much the garb of a pirate lord or captain. So do Buzz's cuffed boots and numerous belt buckles. He would not look out of place at all if he suddenly stepped unto the deck of a sailing ship. Carefully-groomed mutton-chops and a goatee complete the look.   In times of strife, Buzz, true to his nickname, rarely stands still. He uses his magic to attack enemies at range and his movement to stay out of harm's way as much as possible.  
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with a blueish tinge
5' 10"
175 lbs
Other Affiliations


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