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Criella Deville

female fellsworn lawful evil arcane lawyer and negotiator

Criella Deville

Criella was a fellsworn woman from Altharum who lived in the first century of the Sixth or Current Age of Azocar. She was a gregarious and commanding negotiator, qualities that made her an accomplished litigator. Additionally, she was also an accomplished adventurer.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Criella was born to an exceptionally well-to-do merchant from Altharum just short of the final decade of the Fifth Age of Azocar. Her father, Karnath Devillan inherited the family business, the Agal Shield. The enterprise was wild successful and Master Devillan's family were the beneficiaries of its great wealth and privilege. Even though Criella's older, half-brothers stood to inherit the business, she was never wanting for naught but the finest of all things. And this included education.   Even as a child, Criella's inquisitiveness was paired with a gregarious and fearless nature. She learned at an early age how not only to convince others to her point of view but to also have just enough knowledge in hand to back up her argument. But, by adolescence, the young protege was outgrowing the her audiences in and around Altharum.   Realizing this, Criella's father called in a favor and secured enrollment for Criella in the fabled university in the northern city of Eldesrand. There she spent the next six years learning all she could there about debate and discourse. Her tutelage even took her to the grand halls of the great library at Gate Horn. This is where she first caught the attention of the Espers.  

Infernal Apprenticeship

The inherent limitations for Criella of traditional fonts of education were that they were all about facts and knowledge. And the young woman's interests were more practical than informational. That's when her mother called in a favor of her own and secured for Criella an apprenticeship of a very different sort.   At first, Criella was surprised by the notion of journeying beyond the only world she had known but she quickly warmed up to the idea of the fantastical nature of the experience. She spent six years learning the finer points of negotiation and contract construction from the smartest minds in the infernal city of Dis. She even caught the eye of its lord, Dispater himself. So much so that the Baetor Lord of Hell's second layer didn't let her time there end before the two had struck a bargain. Criella agreed to become an agent of Dispater in exchange for the power he had to offer and the blade it came with.  

Espers Negotiator

When Criella returned to the world after her sabbatical in the Baetor realms, she was immediately sought out by Esper Escrivar. She left her home city in the south of Taszerania and moved north. When she learned that Gate Horn was no longer the dominion of the Espers, she instead settled in Varn's Gate. There she integrated herself with the Esper Escrivar organization and quickly came to attention to the splinter group within, the Scarlet Union.
lawful evil
Date of Birth
11 bCA
she / her
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
155 lbs
worshipper of Asmodeus


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