Draxella Solaran Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Draxella Solaran

Mis; Mistress Archmage Draxella Ballivarn Solaran

Draxella was a prominent human wizard from the Eldessarn capital of Eldesrand. One of the most skilled practitioners of the arcane known, Mis Solaran's influence was much greater than even her noble birthing carried. She was instrumental in defending Eldesrand during the Horde Wars and her abilities were later validated when she became the Master Archmage of the Cerulean Spire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life
A child of a high-ranking noble Lord of Eldessar, Draxella was born to great privilege and comfort. She was the third and middle child of Lord Georgios Solaran and Lady Kharida Ballivarn. As the oldest daughter, a certain amount of duty came with her station and she was groomed for that from the day of her birth. However, Draxella had other ideas about her life's course.  
Defying Duty
By the time she reached adolescence, Draxella's natural inquisitiveness was her most overwhelming trait. Her father might even say "overbearing". Lord Solaran was hardly backwards-minded and believed all his children should be educated but he started to worry when Draxella sought more books and knowledge than usual. As she grew into a teenager, another facet of her being, that she was gay, was also becoming apparent. Forward-thinking or not, Lord Solaran would see his daughter married to advance his house's station.   Georgi, as Draxella came to call him once she reached adulthood, thought that giving his daughter the grandest opportunity to learn would eventually satiate her. So he enrolled her in Eldesrand's grand university. This did not work. It was in the university that Draxella met her first arcane mentor. It was also in university that she had her first love; a fellow student and young woman of noble bearing named Valeria.   Draxella's course was set. After a year in university, she left home against her parents' wishes and travelled throughout Taszerania to further her arcane pursuits. She spent four years away, the last 18 months of which were in the Ice Lords under the tutelage of Vyszerran the Everpresent.  
Arcane Firebrand
When Draxella returned to Eldesrand in bCA 23, her father's health was beginning to fail him. Her oldest brother, Khalrik had assumed many of the family's responsibilities and the subject of Draxella's duty to it once again became a sore point. To escape the constant fighting with her brother and father, Draxella joined the university as a professor. She also joined the arcane guild, Esper Escrivar and took on her first apprentice.   Draxella threw herself into her work to escape the cacophony at home. She became a very vocal member of the Espers, challenging her brethren to take a more active role making society better for as many people as possible. She also started offering her divination talents as a service, seeking to earn enough of a living to liberate herself from her family.   The Espers didn't take to her call for activism and her relationship with the guild cooled after some years. Moreover, she wasn't doing well enough in her freelancing to supplant the meager salary the university work brought her. Her desire for independence was failing her so she once again left Eldesrand to try and get away from the pressures of duty. For a few years, Draxella traveled the continent and beyond. She made her way by plying her arcane abilities to mercenary and adventuring groups. In this life she finally started to find some success. Still, she knew she wanted more stability than life as an adventurer offered.  
Home Again
Draxella returned to Eldesrand at the end of the penultimate decade of the Fifth Age with enough coin to acquire a home of her own in the outskirts of the city. Her refusal to return home was a sore point with her father and brothers but they had moved on from the notion that she would conform to familial duty. Some of the sting had been deadened by the marriage arrangement of Draxella's youngest sister, Sofia to one of the King's cousins. Draxella opted to further peace with her family by taking on a task her brothers came to her with.   Sirs Khalrik and Dorrien Tallender brought their sister a peace offering by way of a pupil. The boy, a nobleman himself was a distant cousin of theirs named Kasarath. He was but a child but his sharp mind and acumen with very basic magics were undeniable. Draxella had never tutored one so young but he notion of a challenge intrigued her. And the fact that the boy's family was quite wealthy did too.   Kas not only became Draxella's finest student, he was also represented her most profitable endeavour. She earned enough to upgrade her home and moved into one of the finest neighborhoods in Eldesrand. His family's connections also served to grow Draxella's own expertise. Though not all things were going her way, finally, Draxella started to feel content in life. But, before long, great upheaval would disturb this peace.  
The Horde Wars
Just weeks after Georgios Solaran died, large and fearful armies invaded many of the lands of Azocar seemingly out of nowhere. One of these armies immediately attacked Eldessar in the south near Eldesrand. The attack was so swift and powerful that the King's First Army was smashed and scattered to a chaotic retreat. The army moved to take Eldesrand but enough forces had been left in the city to defend it some. A long siege began.   For nearly two years, Draxella worked tirelessly to defend her home.  
Coming of the Night King
Mistress of Magic

Gender Identity





Born to privilege, Draxella was educated at the finest primary and formative schools in and around Eldesrand. In an attempt to sate her thirst for knowledge so that she would more conform to the duties expected of a young noble maiden, her fath supported her apprenticeship to the University of Eldesrand.   This of course did not satiate the young woman and it was in university that she first began developing her arcane skills. These she honed further under the apprenticeship of one of the preeminent seers in the history of Azocar.
lawful neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
49 bCA
she / her
brown with green flecks
white, kept very long well past her waist
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
105 lbs.


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