Ish Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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male Zenithian soldier

Many thanks to Mechadeuce for graciously sharing his character with my world.

Giacamo Sahak (a.k.a. Ish)

Giacomo Sahak, aka Ish is a former Consortium soldier whose commission apparently did not end well. He makes little effort to hide his disdain for his former employers and their ilk. Though he does make a bit more of an effort to bury the tales of his younger days, it's clear to anyone who knows him even a little bit that there's nothing pleasant to tell there either. It is thus no wonder that few if any know what Ish is like when he is in good spirits.

Ish's Description and Mannerisms

He may have left the legionnaire's life behind but he'll never leave his trusty armor and guns behind. Or his helmet, an accessory that Ish is almost never seen without.   Ish doesn't have a lot of money but what he does have, he spends making sure people know how many ways he can kill them. He is a veritable walking arsenal. And it's not just for show. In combat, his tactical approach is to "kill them all and let the Judge sort them out."

Crew of the XQ-TC-1215

Crew Position - guns   Ish is still getting used to his new associates. As such, like he does with anyone else he meets, his assessment of each is based first and foremost of their perceived threat level.
  • * Adil - The captain of Ish's new "crew" is the only one he's grown to respect some; likely due to his soldier's training and deference to authority.
  • Oasim - Considers the unconventional medicurg a threat; Oasim's fearlessness worries Ish.
  • Pints - Ish is indifferent to Pints because he perceives him as no threat whatsoever.
  • Red - Ish is less indifferent to Red even though he also perceives him as a non-threat
  • Akeel - TBD

Ish is a soldier who can kill you in all manner of fashions. He seems to spend all his money making sure he looks like he can kill you in all manner of fashions.

View Character Profile
late 30s
dark brown
brown but is clean-shaven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 4"
260 lbs
The Judge


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