Jarmash Yarjerit Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Jarmash Yarjerit

male dragonborn chaotic good celestial warlock

Jarmash's Story

  Jarmash's clan has lived in and around Varn's Gate for more than a century. The Dragonborn enclave has lived peacefully within the boundaries of the largely independent city and its sphere of control. Their thriving is largely the product of their keeping to themselves and not making too many waves. They have even grown to be respected counselors to the brokers of power in and around the city.   It's into this enclave that Jarmash was born. And it is the very same enclave that turns to Jarmash to further their interests by engaging more fully with those around them. Jarmash's gregarious nature was apparent to his fellows from a young age and, by the time he reaches adulthood, he's already become an important liaison between the dragonborn community in Varn's Gate and the rest of the city's groups of influence and interest.   When rumors arise and start to intensify that the so-called Cult of the Dragon is up to something new, Jarmash's clan begins to worry. The unwanted connection to the cult via their shared heritage likely means there will be trouble down the line for the dragonborn of Varn's Gate and beyond. So the elders of his clan charge him with heading out away from the city to learn more about what's going on.   Jarmash might have been reticent to take on such a fraught task but a newfound sense of personal duty negated this. Shortly before the elders' request, Jarmash had a vision wherein the dragonborn demigod, Kuyutha came to him. In the dream, Bahamut's exarch takes Jarmash on as a beneficiary and charges him with the task of investigating the cult to ascertain what they are up to.

Jarmash's Descriptions and Mannerisms

Jarmash is every bit a dragonborn, standing in approach of seven feet in height, with a barrel chest and a powerful build. He has the draconic features of his people with brass scales for skin, a dragon-like head complete with fin, a long prehensile tail, and bright red eyes. He eschews armor which is probably smart considering how difficult and expensive it might be to procure it. He carries a sickle and a dagger but he prefers to fight at range using his magic.   Jarmash's demeanor can be as imposing as his physique. Despite his youth, he exudes confidence with every step and every movement. Some might mistake this for arrogance but they would be wrong. It's just his own sense of self-assuredness and optimistic nature. These translate into a confidence that any difficult situation will be resolved favorably.
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
5 CA
Circumstances of Birth
Born in Varn's Gate
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brass scales
6' 9"
320 lbs.


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