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non binary human neutral circle of spores druid

Marat Lan

Marat's Story

Marat has very few memories of their existence prior to the day that they died and rose again as someone entirely different. They have vague recollections of a human druid with a talent for breeding and developing exotic strains of fungus. Similarly vague are their fleeting memories of capture by drow raiders. And their life in captivity and servitude in the underdark.   They do remember very well that they did not like being held against their will. This despite their vague recollection that they liked their work even though they disliked their servitude. It had to do with experimenting with funguses and that interested them. Sill, they would rather be free so they attempted to escape their bondage. Marat's most vivid memory of their life before is of how their escape attempt ended in tragedy.   From that point forward, Marat's memories are vivid and plain. They remember clearly how their physical body arose once more, hours after its death, reanimated by an especially peculiar type of fungus.   Marat's resurrection startled the dark elves who were preparing to dispose of the corpse. These summoned the matron-mother who had kept Marat as a servant in her house, Vastra Dendrike and she was instantly fascinated by the creature Marat had become. She was also pleased to have her servant back.   Vastra put Marat back to work under her service. But this time, it was more as the subject of experimentation rather than the experimenter. They were poked and prodded and sampled to the point of sheer torture. Then, one day, they had the good fortune of a spy in the drow city taking pity on them. The orc-kin rogue, Pettuzzo mon-Dybar was hidden in the city of Soleth Atharz on mission from his superiors.   Before leaving, he happened across the place where the experiments and tortures were being inflicted on Marat. He did not like the sight of these so he decided to free the prisoner when the opportunity to do so arose. Pettuzzo was successful in his intent and he lead Marat to freedom. And ultimately to the surface and the city of Suzerain.   Since arriving in the Trade City, Marat have been given lodging by the spy's superior, Tessa Malbane. This in exchange for Marat working for her organization, primarily in the area of experimentation with funguses as poison agents. Again Marat feel like they are indentured to a specific group but at least they are free to roam the city.  

Marat's Descriptions and Mannerisms

Marat maintains physical appearance characteristics that are not so unusual they appear alien. But they definitely appear as a rather odd-looking human. Their form is tall and slender, standing above six feet in height but weighing little more than 150 lbs. These characteristics aren't unusual but their bright, orange-red eyes and tan skin with irregular and random white mottling certainly are. As is their long, well-groomed shock-white hair, albeit less so.   Anyone passing Marat might glance at him and assume he was wearing a highly puffed bright red and orange outfit. Those who look closer see that these ruffs are actually layers of fungus the grow from Marat's skin.   Marat's behavior will appear to anyone giving them more than a passing glance, distant. Their tone of voice is almost always calm and they do not move as often as most people do. Almost as if they are the actions of a group of people, not just one individual. This is of course indicative of Marat's current nature.
Divine Classification
The Cycle of Life and Death
10 1
Bright orange-red
Long white stringy hair, well groomed.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale tan with irregular white patches
6' 2"
155 lbs


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