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s'Korran Tzelgren

female goblin-kin neutral good scholar

Korra's Story

Much of what s'Korran, or Korra for short, knows of her origins come from the stories her goblin mother told her as she was a child growing up in the darkest slums of Suzerain. sZerran would tell her child the tales of how she and her halfling father Amond met during the Horde Wars. Of how her father nursed her mother back to health after she was grievously wounded in the final battles of that conflict. And of how the two grew to love each other and forced themselves into a life of hermitage because they would never be accepted within so-called ordinary societies.   sZerran never shared with her child what happened to Amond. Her stories always picked up with the mother and daughter's trials and tribulations in Medinat al'Tajar. Korra's mother shielded her child from the worst details instead making it seem that at least they were happy where they were.   The happiness was shattered on the Night of Emerald Sorrow. When the long-simmering unrest broke out into open violence, many of the denizens of Suzerain's slums were targeted. And many of these suffered the greatest harm, including sZerran. Orphaned, Korra was said to be clutching her mother's lifeless hand when a benevolent soul with means took pity upon her. Master Aladrun Tzelgren was amongst onlookers when city guards pulled Korra from a ruined flophouse. The Zannite scholar pleaded with the soldiers to remand the child to his care and they agreed. Korra became Aladrun's ward.   Aladrun brought Korra to his temple and gave her shelter within its walls. The girl was naturally distant for some time but eventually warmed up to her benefactor. It was much to the scholar's delight because he quickly realized that Korra was especially bright and inquisitive. The child quickly learned to read and she showed a voracious appetite for knowledge. Before long, Aladrun's ward became an acolyte of Zann the Learned. When the Master's prized pupil ended his apprenticeship, he suggested Isa Abu Sa'id take Korra on as his own apprentice, despite the fact that she was only fourteen or fifteen years old. The halfling priest agreed.  

Korra's Descriptions and Mannerisms

s'Korran's physical features are dead giveaways of her mixed ancestry. She already stands above three feet in height despite the fact that she is still growing. Her thick hair is ordinarily coal-black but she often dyes this with some concoction or other that she comes up with. Like her height and slim stature, her green skin and violet eyes with red and yellow flecks are markers of her goblinoid half. So are her overly-large ears. But her button nose and distinctively not goblin-like teeth, as well as her slower maturing reveal her halfling heritage.   Despite all the tragedy in her life, Korra's personality is usually no indication of it. She is seemingly always bright and bubbly. She has a natural inquisitiveness that shines through with most anyone she meets. Only those that know her best know that her often days-long delving into some tome or experiment is probably a form of escapism for her. Which is why her teachers usually forgive an ever-increasing number of alchemical mishaps that usually come from her experiments. That and they also know that her natural curiosity will probably never be contained within the simple acquisition of known things. They suspect, and usually fear that her thirst will only be quenched by inventing new things to know.  
Current Location
Year of Birth
Purple with red and yellow flecks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Predominantly yellow-green
30 lbs


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