Sethyris Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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female serpentkin neutral soulknife rogue

Sethyris Hollowfang

Sethyris's Story

For as long as she can remember, Sethyris has had one goal in life. One grievous wrong to right. When she and her clutchmates were mere hatchlings, pirate raiders attached their rural, riverside village in the jungles of Uhmlas. A number of Sethyris's siblings were taken by the raiders, presumably never to be seen again.   As soon as she could form the words, Sethyris informed anyone that would listen that she would recover her family. Years later, as soon as she could manage it, she left home on the seemingly impossible quest. Her travels over the next few years took her first to the lands of Mithanos Imperium. There she picked up a trail that took her east to Ka-Lin, where she recovered the first couple of her lost siblings.   Buoyed by her early successes, Sethyris followed a thin lead to Starhaven. She found little there and struck out blindly towards the north and Atalassia where her search rendered no more success.   Sethyris was almost ready to give up on her quest when her resolved was renewed. On a ship traveling back to Starhaven, she first learned about elf-kin that live underground called "drow". She also learned that some of these people adhered to the horrible practice of keeping others in service to them against their will.   Slavery was a concept that was foreign to her people but she had learned of it amongst the minotaurs. She determined to learn where she could find drow settlements and resolved to find passage aboard the first boat headed to whatever lands they were found in. This is how Sethyris came to Suzerain.  

Sethyris's Description and Mannerisms

Sethyris is small in size and stature. She stands less than five and a half feet in height and weighs 100 pounds and only just. She typically dresses in garb that hide her exotic ancestry but what little is visible is undeniable. Her lizard-like yellow eyes and predominantly orange scales for skin are indicators of her true nature.   What Sethyris lacks in physical stature she makes up for by way of her indomitable nature and dedication to purpose. She is seemingly always on task and few know her well enough to know what she'll do if she were ever to complete her life's quest.  
Year of Birth
Yellow; serpent-like
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple, red, and orange scales
5' 4"
100 lbs


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