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Ulanna Amberfield

female human neutral good life cleric of Ilmater

Ulanna's Story

The only parent that Ulanna knows is William Amberfield, the High Priest from the temple of Ilmater in Westgate. Ulanna does not know if she's originally from the lawless, frontier city. She just knows that her story started there.   Though it started there, Ulanna's story is not limited to just one place. All through her youth, William's pilgrimages took him far and wide throughout the Realms. Ulanna remembers spending time in temples dedicated to The One Who Endures across all of Faerun. From the far east of Skuld to the extreme south of Calimport, to the very jewel of the Realms, Waterdeep, Ulanna's been there.   William's travels eventually brought him to Candlekeep late in the summer of 1497 of the Dalereckoning. He and his pupils spent the remainder of that year and most of the following year within the legendary library's grounds. And, as the winter of 1498 approached, William called for Ulanna. When his star pupil came before him, William declared that she was ready to begin her own mission in devotion of Ilmater. He charged her to head forth into the world on her own and work to ease the suffering of those in need all around them. William suggested to Ulanna that there was trouble brewing in the north and that she should head there to begin her life's work in service of their god.

Ulanna's Descriptions and Mannerisms

Ulanna stands nearly five and a half feet tall and is well-built at nearly 150 pounds. She has blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes, all traits that suggest she may originate from the northern Heartlands of Faerun. She dresses in the typical garb of a cleric of Ilmater and is easily recognized as a devotee of the suffering god.   In battle, Ulanna is fearless to a fault. She has no qualm in wading right into the thick of melee combat even though her preference is to avoid fighting. She stands side by side with her allies so that she may come to their aid when they need healing and uses spiritual weapons to combat the enemy as necessary.  


Allies and Organizations

Adventuring group

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Ulanna in Nightstone

Before the winter of 1498, Ulanna begins a pilgrimage towards Waterdeep. She remembers the great city and, directed by her mentor, she feels her abilities could be put to good use there. However, her journey takes longer than she expects. An early and incredibly heavy blizzard forces her to take solace in Nightstone, even though Waterdeep is just 50-60 miles to the north and west. The winter is very heavy and she finds that she can be of assistance in the small village. So she rides out the winter there.   The following year, just before the spring's dawn, during the morning of the attack from the skies, her immediate reaction is to head quickly to the keep to seek guidance from the ruler of the town. The attack takes out the bridge between the bailey and the motte. And with the attack ongoing, she feels she's safest in the keep.   The last thing Ulanna sees before a boulder crashes through the keep and comes down right next to her are the largest humanoids she's ever seen starting to climb down from the flying castle nestled in clouds from whence the stones has been coming.   When Ulanna comes to, it's the middle of the night and this is the first surprise. She remembers she was in discussion with Lady Velrosa Nandar when the final boulder struck. When she awakes, she finds her wounds have been tended to and she's lying on some bed coverings but in the dining room of the keep. She hears loud snoring.   Ulanna arises and tries to assess the situation. The great hall is dimly lit by a scattered few candles. The snoring is coming from a couple of the town guards lying along the walls of the great room. A figure can be seen near the front door to the hall. It's a man and he's standing, leaning up against the wall. She assumes it's another guard. Finally, her eyes come to rest on the dining table. Lying on the table is Lady Nandar and she doesn't need to even check. She can see from where she is that the Lady is dead.   The other survivors are four Nightstone guards: Sydiri Haunlar, Torem Breck, Kaelen Zam, and Alara Winterspell. Ulanna has lived in Nightstone for three months almost and she knows them all by name. Kaelen is the one who's awake, standing watch. Ulanna approaches and he recounts the things that she can't recall.   The attackers were giants by the look of them. As the bombardment concluded, four of them climbed down from the castle and dropped into the town square. Then they proceeded rip the eponymous Nightstone from the ground, attach it to a couple of the chains, and have it drawn into the cloud castle. Then they climbed up themselves and the castle flew off.   Kaelen continues his recollection by revealing that most of the villagers fled to the hills north and west of Nightstone. They were forced to do so because the keep was inaccessible due to a boulder strike taking out the bridge down into the baily from the motte. So they lowered the drawbridge and ran. Those that could. And they have not yet returned.   Lady Velrosa and Ulanna were felled by the collapse of the roof of the keep right on top of them, due to a boulder strike. Both survived the collapse and were freed from the debris by the surviving guards. Ulanna wasn't terribly hurt and the guards were able to care for her. The lady however was mortally wounded and there was nothing they could do for her. She died a couple of hours after nightfall.   That evening, the guards remained busy with both patients and, by the time the goblin raiders came, they were all too exhausted to do anything about the new threat. The guards were all fairly comfortable the creatures wouldn't be able to come up to the keep given the state of the bridge, but they set a watch anyway. Then, at about nightfall, a group of strangers wandered into the town. Though they were far off and almost impossible to see, the sounds of screeching goblins suggested that these adventurers had taken it upon themselves to rid Nightstone of its goblin problem. Before midnight, the adventurers were seen heading towards the center of town and it was assumed they were bound for the inn to get some rest.


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