
Dynbodaul (in modern tongue: human) are the highly intelligent species created as one of the First by Irath , during the Era --. Though no one knows much of the travels from the legendary Mother Isles, it is believed to be the birthplace of this species alongside the other Firsts. Dynbodaul are one of many terrestrial animals, who are to be recognised by their standing posture and known of moving on two feet, and is said to be made in Irath's image. Dynbodaul, like other Firsts, have since the beginning been able to use different kinds of tools; here not to think only of physical tools the ease everyday life, but also the mental tools such as complex languages and feelings.

Etymology and definition

Dynbodaul is of the oldest tongue, where the word dyn is often associated with "man" as in the humankind. In modern times the word human have been a more popular word to use, both because it is much shorter and it describes the modern culture of most human countries, men are considered are considered of higher value, culturally,


In the two major religions, Lasfydd and the Lesfydd, humans was created by Irath as one of the First, in order to protect and control Agia. The First Dynbodaul were created to lead their kind from Matem Ynsulas, and their most noble duty given by Irath, was to be protectors and leaders of the Dynbodaul race, which she had created in her image.
  For some years, the firsts could not agree to how leadership should work in both their own race and across races. But in the end they agreed to choose a leader of each race, which became the Breinhoeleid genuses, now known as the Royal lineage, which all human royal families can be traced to.
  The journey from Matem Ynsulas and to the current place of humans have been forgotten through time, But in both religions, it is mentioned that some pilgrims travelled to Godwenbyth, but when they arrived their bodies changed to a more animalistic features, some got horns, other got fur, and these persons became another First, known as Mwahantath, the mutated humans. And they only changed more through the ages.
  The written records, beside the The Book of Irath and The Schrolls of Rathies, were first written thousands of years after the creation of the Firsts. The oldest form of documentation are written on stone tablets, wood, bones, which described ways of cultivating livestocks and plants for approximately some three thousand years ago. Modern scholars believes that the Breinhoeleid rewrote the account of Irath and other important works in, each time a new way of writing was invented. But as most development were being normalised and used in practice, the art of rewriting everything died quickly. Now it is only the philosophical, artistic, and important documents that are being rewritten by some scholars.
  It is not known when Dynbodaul started cultivate livestocks and plants, instead of the hunting and gathering, that historians believes to be the era before agricultural era. The agricultural era also helped shaping the more modern culture we know of now. The agricultural era led to the formation permanent settlements, domestication of animals and tools of metal.
  Now Dynbodaul is the most advanced race in Agia. With a transportation system and different inventions that makes life easier, it is easily said that human have now the most complex civilisation in Agia.


The Dynbodaul's set of intellectual skills, have been a major part in this species' technological advancement in the known world. The ability to teach generalizable information makes it possible to generate and communicate complex concepts, engaging in the common knowledge required for a competent tool design, or cooking for that matter. It is the teaching and learning that preserves the cultural, racial, and ethnographic identity of all societies of the First.
  The Dynbodaul is divided into male and female gender roles, to which each role have their own norms, practices, behaviour, dress, rights, privileges, responsibilities, status, and power. This division is marked by nature, as female are the one able to give birth, and thus their responsibilities of nurturing and caring for children, leaves them softer and generally more caring than males, and therefore they are not able to be a leading figure with power to govern and protect a region, and to partake in wars should it be deemed necessary.


Although almost all creatures have some means of communication, language is to the Firsts, which is a defining feature of the intelligence the Firsts possess. And unlike the limited communication systems of animals, most of the Firsts languages are open - by combining some symbols, an infinite number of meanings can be produced. Languages of the First can also use words to represent things and events that are not presently or locally occurring, but takes place in the shared imagination of those who partake in a dialogue or conversation.
  Language can be transmitted through different ways; signs, orally, and written. is but a few. Language is essential to the communication of the First, and to sense of identity that both unites and differentiates nations, cultures, ethnic groups, and races. There are no number of existing languages in Agia, some scholars believes it would be impossible to account for, due to the differences of races, nations, cultures, and ethnic groups.  


Another defining feature of intelligence of the First is the ability to produce art. Art demands a certain ability to not only be of a creative mind, but also be able to work with the required tools of the body, like the voice when it comes to singing or the nimble fingers of a fiddle player, and the physical tools to create art, such as the painter's brush or the flute-player's flute.
  Art can be used for different purposes. For some it serves as entertainment, others a lesson of recorded history, and mostly it is used to convey meanings and understanding, which words fails to deliver. Art can also be a way to sense the identity of races, nations, cultures, and ethnic groups. Art can also convey things none have seen, like the depiction of the Goddesses' or the Mother Isles beauty.
  Some also uses art as a mean to attract the other gender, and others have long lessons throughout their childhood simply because it is expected of them to show how knowledgeable they are. But these lessons can only be affordable to the lords and ladies of higher rank or wealth.


Some other ways of defining the intelligence of the Firsts, is the ability of abstract thinking. By this it means the philosophical thinking that all of the Firsts has, though some are way more advanced in the philosophical thinking than others, take for an example the philosophical thinking of a scholar is much more advanced than that of a peasant.
  Philosophy is also the way to find the truth of what have happen and what is to come. It is a way to analyse historical events and have an understanding of why it happened. This is why philosophy and religion are close companions to a better understand of the world and people around us.


Dynbodauls are highly social beings, mostly living in some forms of settlements, from a small farm which only houses the family and the extended family to a complex city that holds lots of social groups, shaped in a complex way. The Dynbodauls can all be sorted into group according to their income, wealth, power, reputation, titles, ethnicities, and so forth.  

Social relationships

The social relationships of the Dynbodaul are often based on relations between those who are considered close family, the relations through marriage, and the more fictive kind, which are adoptive children, the family sense in friendships, and the like. But for most societies of the Dynbodaul, it is these relations that take part in passing on status, title, and inheritance. In all Dynbdaul societies there are rules of how these relations should and specifically should not work, such as incest and arranged marriage in the close relation to one self. Incest, however, are viewed upon differently from culture to culture. For some cultures it is considered incest if a man marries his deceased brother's wife, while in other cultures it is considered as a responsibility of the man to take care of his deceased brother's wife to ensure her well-being.    


Ethnicity is a social category which identify Dynbodauls as a group based on qualities that distinguish them from other groups. These can be different qualities such as a common set of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment in their residing area.    

Government and politics


Trade and economics


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