Agia The Creation of the First

The Creation of the First

Era beginning/end

A part of the unknown era, estimated to be around 9700 BGD

Scholars estimate the Creation of the First to be 9700 BGD. But no one knows for certainty. To some, this also marks the beginning of the Church of Irath.

The creation of the First, the first sentient species of Agia, is often marked as the beginning of the Lasfydd religion, and some believe this also marks the creation of the Church of Irath. Although partially marked as the beginning of the church, it is not in the shape of an organisation yet.

The arguments based on this belief are, that the it was already made a religion when Irath created the species, and she was guiding them the same way an Yppwenlas does today.
To the counter-arguement, other says that the beginning of the religion should not be counted as the beginning of the church.

Related timelines & articles
History of the Church of Irath (article)