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Red Cloud Lawgivers

The history of the Red Cloaks is closely connected with the Melkar dynasty. The first king, King Razmyrel Melkar, who laid down the laws that brought prosperity and equitable treatment to the Kingdom’s subjects, was also known to wear a red cloak – to remind him of blood spilled and anguish caused if laws are unjust and unenforced. He organized the first Lawgivers, who took the title of Red Cloak to remember this teaching and carried on for centuries.
Leading members of the organization opposed the disadvantageous deals made by King Talanar Ebrin I in his quest to build the northern fortifications as they saw it created corruption. In response, King Talanar forcefully removed their power and imprisoned the most vocal members. Red Cloak Lawgiver then became more of a title than anything else until King Vacrilos Azennar I, himself a Red Cloak, reinstated and strengthened their power and responsibilities.
Today, the Red Cloak Lawgivers are some of the most highly regarded individuals in Aglarion, usually selected from high-ranking soldiers who have been in the kingdom’s service for over a decade. Some come from arcane or divine spellcasting backgrounds or have served as highly esteemed students of the College of Minstrels, while others are trusted hunters or specialized combatants. Still, the organization has monitored all of them for years before being selected for the title. At least three Red Cloak Lawgivers must approve the nominee by measuring their personality, loyalty, trustworthiness, and their skills in making fair judgments, as well as their effectiveness in investigation and combat. Selected nominees for the title are trained and tested for three years before being given the prestigious gold-trimmed red cloak and the “Eye and Sword” amulet engraved with their names, representing their authority and title.
There are about fifty Red Cloaks in Aglarion, and though their methods and approach to solving situations might differ, their word is the law. They might work alone, in pairs, or form smaller groups and can command the Royal Swords freely if needed, making their own judgment on how many soldiers they want to commandeer until a case is solved. They can use all resources available at the Halls of the Lawgiver, which serves as their base of operations, record hall, and training grounds. As the capital does not bind their jurisdiction, Red Cloaks regularly travel to locations outside of Onadbyr to handle cases. Members are paid a reasonably high wage by the Royal Treasury every week for their highly regarded services.
A Red Cloak Lawgiver who breaks the law, which happens only on the rarest of occasions, faces much harsher consequences and more severe sentences than usual, starting from long hard labor up to execution by the organization’s own members. There is no formal leader of the Red Lawgivers as they are all considered equally influential within their ranks and in the kingdom.

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