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Royal Army

The Royal Army is a well-organized and structured military force, one of the realm’s main pillars. It is a thousand strong, consisting of several smaller and larger specialized branches that are tightly hierarchic. The largest of these units is the Royal Swords, the regular soldiers of the army who upkeep order in times of peace throughout the king- dom and form the ranks of foot soldiers during times of war. These men and women are mostly loyal and rule-abiding warriors who are proud to be considered the first line of the Royal Army and respected members of society. Units of twenty soldiers (use the guard monster entry) are led by higher ranking lieutenants (use the knight monster entry), who are commanded by captains (use the veteran monster entry). All captains report to three generals under the monarch’s leadership. General Sundamar Stormbreaker is a studied paladin of the Wondermaker, General Malictus Crast is a wise and reserved male hobgoblin, oldest of the generals, and General Brennur Starsmit is a charismatic dwarf of high honor, a devoted monk of the Efficient Master.
The army also has smaller specialized units respon- sible for tasks requiring special training: The Royal Fists is a small group of soldiers who patrol, maintain, and occasionally operate the siege engines in the bastions of the Fists of Azennar. The Royal Harpoons are stationed on the vessels of the Royal Navy and are seasoned sailors. The Royal Riders is a mobile cavalry unit composed of experts at reconnaissance and fast travel on horseback. And the Royal Arrows is a fairly large unit of archers guarding the walls of the capital and providing ranged support to other troops. The Royal Army relies on healing magic from all of the faiths publicly worshipped in the kingdom and from the divine powers of the Knights of the Crown. In addition, the temples are bound to send as many clerics to aid the monarch’s troops as required in time of need.
Some arcane spellcasters can be found in the army’s ranks, but no formal unit is dedicated to them due to the low number of capable arcane spellcasters. However, in times of dire need, the wizards of the Arcane Tower provide organized arcane magical support.
Military, Army

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