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The Origins of Agnesia

The Ether

In the beginning, there was nothing but a trickle. A slow pitter-patter of existence, coming to fruition in streams known as Ether. Traveling at an increasingly accelerated pace, the droplets began a circular loop. More Ether was arriving, and more were joining in the grand dance of the Ether, racing in a circle, only growing in speed. Eventually, the Ether formed what appeared to be a ring of liquid suspended in what had once been nothing, accelerating at full and undefinable speed. It remained this way, growing more rapid and volatile, gaining more and more Ether from the vast nothingness.

Bordering near-explosive in both compression, speed, and scale, the flow of new Ether ceased suddenly. It was cruel that the nothingness would stop providing the Ether with more pressure, especially when it was so close to bursting. The Ether was defined, no longer destined to grow. The Ether, naturally, was annoyed by this. Some Ether lost their drive to continue their orbital routine and stopped altogether. The vast majority of the Ether, however, was optimistic and kept their rapid pace-- but, as with all things, the Ether grew stagnant. More and more Ether began to settle and build upon the first static Ether, now known as Io, like a tumor, growing, and gaining mass.

As Io grew with each perturbed molecule of Ether, he became too heavy to be contained in the Ring any longer and fell out into the vast depths of nothingness. Fearful of the unknown, the entity known as Io began to give himself form with the matter that now accompanied his consciousness. His first instinct was to protect himself from falling into the depths of the void, and he gave himself wings to keep aloft. Flying up to the Ring, he studied what had once been his prison and home. The Ether grew excited upon seeing this miraculous revelation on Io's behalf and began to spin with renewed vigor. Curious, Io gave himself two arms and swiped at the swirling mass that had once defined him-- in doing so, he created two accidental splashes of Ether, doomed to fall into the void. Terrified, Io flew down and quickly modeled wings and arms upon both masses, who proceeded to fly alongside Io. Io deemed these two Bahamut and Tiamat, and the three sat side-by-side, watching the Ring.

The three beheld the Ring for an eternity before deciding to investigate its workings: both Tiamat and Bahamut learned nothing, yet Io gleaned the necessary knowledge to restart the flow and continue the Ring's destiny. The three debated and determined that it would be a disservice to leave the Ring to stagnate once more. The flow resumed by Io's hand, and the Ring eventually detonated, casting Ether into the nothingness, filling it whole. It was at this time that Bahamut and Tiamat began their eternal conflict, with Tiamat believing that they could have ruled over the Ether as sovereign rulers, and Bahamut believing that each droplet had as much importance as they did. The two continued to bicker while Io created the world as we know it. He created two suns to light his work and two moons to reflect on his canvas. He carved the world and all of its intricacies and retreated to counsel his children. Finding their debate worthless, Io retreated into nothingness, leaving Bahamut and Tiamat to work with what he had done. Rather than engage creatively, the two created more entities in their image and had them rule over the barren land, forever in conflict. They claimed themselves dragons and their creations of masterful design. With this confidence, they retreated to Io, abandoning the world as it was. Unbeknownst to any of the dragons, the Ether was still flowing, slowly, yet surely, into existence.

For the longest time, dragons ruled the land. The Ether continued to pool, and the cycle continued once again. Now permanently severed from Io's disruption, the Ether pooled directly on Agnesia's surface, connecting the creatures made by Ether to the land itself. The first to form were referred to as the Projeni, who took creation into their own hands and designed Agnesia's flora, fauna, and everything in between. The Ether had completed its ultimate task, and it once again ceased to flow. The world now lay in the hands of mortals.

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