Titan, The Archaean

Titan is the god of Earth, Natural Land, and Strength. Formed from the very earth of the material realm, Titan resides deep within the depths of the plane, rarely coming to the surface. It is said that miners who dare to venture too deep into the depths of the earth will uncover Titan and his minions and be swiftly destroyed. This, for Titan, is to preserve the precious balance of the natural world rather than necessarily a vindictive act of spite, although most do consider him a jealous guard of the world's natural mineral resources.    Titan takes on a broadly humanoid form, although this form is made entirely of mineral materials, from rock to gems, and appears exaggerated in musculature or bulk. Further to this, he more often than not appears in a colossal form, as big as great mountain ranges. His appearance on the surface of the material realm is rare indeed, and is usually the first sign of a wave of great destruction brought on by Titan's understanding that the balance of the world has been disrupted.    The devoted to Titan are often close to the earth and natural forces, along with tribes following him in the hopes he protects their kin. New mining organisations and such will often contact representatives of the church of Titan to aid them in setting up sustainable operations that will not evoke the wrath of the Lord of Crags.

Divine Domains

Destruction, Earth, Protection, Strength

Tenets of Faith

Guard the land from those that would despoil it. Preserve the natural riches of the world from those that would abuse them.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Aligned Organization


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