Yojimbo, The Mercenary

Bodyguard, Blade of Vengeance, Retainer

Yojimbo is the god of Bargaining, Dogs, Fire, Gil, and Mercenaries. He is a wandering deity who will interact with mortals often in one of his many guises as a mercenary samurai of some kind, followed in toe by a hound of some variety. He mostly deals in the protection of his employers or assassination attempts on his client’s adversaries. While not following strictly to the law he does keep close to his own personal opinion of his worth, only working until he has fulfilled his job up to the amount he has been paid, often requiring hundreds of thousands of gil to kill a single target. However, he will always fulfil his contractual obligations so long as the details of such contracts were clearly stipulated.    Yojimbo is almost always seen as a uniquely dressed samurai, with yellow and orange clothing, straw hat with his dog by his side. There have been times where he is seen in a completely different garb of a lesser samurai, in a mere kimono but almost always has his Zanmato on him.   In many ways, Yojimbo is a dispassionate deity, caring about little beyond the maintenance of a personal code of honour about remaining true to his word and deed. He demands that his followers complete their obligations that they have contractually entered into and note that failure to complete one's obligations should in most circumstances result in death, for their is no greater dishonour than surviving in a case where one has failed to fulfil one's obligations. Wealth is understood as a simple measure of one's success for Yojimbo, where to amass wealth allows one to dictate the actions of others, he advises that one should do so with honour and prudence to one's own personal code of honour.    Most of the devoted to Yojimbo have a hand in both mercenary contract work (whether organising it or directly participating) or his temples serve as centres of trade and business within a given area.

Divine Domains

Law, Strength, Travel

Tenets of Faith

Everything has a price.    Contracts are sacred. To break a contract is to bring dishonour to oneself and invite the wrath of Yojimbo. Punish those who break contracts or obligations.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral


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