
One of the two originator deities, Zodiark is the greater god of destruction, darkness, death and chaos constructed from the same aetheric mists that gave birth at the same time to his opposite, Hydaelyn. To say that Zodiark "desires" the absolute destruction of existence would be a misreading only insofar as Zodiark is understood to be beyond desire, emotions or motives. Rather, he represents a primeval force rather than a wilful subject in the first instance.    It is rare for Zodiark to be directly worshipped beyond fanatical and dedicated cults of doomsayers and those widely understood as "mad," but there are often parallel shrines built alongside those of Hydaelyn in Temples of the Aetheric tradition and which offer homage to Zodiark as part of the fundamental duality that allows for the construction of reality. Despite Zodiark being associated with the horrors of the world, it is understood that the existence of Zodiark in opposition to Hydaelyn facilitated (and continues to facilitate) existence itself.

Divine Domains

Darkness, Chaos, Destruction, Death, Void
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil


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