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Cu'tar "The Whisperer" Aeon of Athaza


  …Welcome to Extra Planer Entities 304-Aeons. For the few of you in the other departments that I have not met I am Professor David Carper Universa Arcana Department Head. Those of you going for a degree within my field of research take notes. If you fail this class, I will see to it you never graduate. Extraplanar fields are unstable and the beings on the other side are rarely magnanimous. I won’t have imbeciles in my field tear open rifts because some creature on the other side asked you to trust it. Open your tomes to chapter 39. We will begin with the most recent Aeon and greatest blunder within our community to hammer this home for you bleeding hearts in the druidica department…   …as you all know from what happened 214 years ago. That incident is what led to the discovery of Angelic Research Station 137. Upon delving to the center of the station Professor Geoforea, you will find her picture as reference in your dictionaries next to insipience, decided to speak to the being behind not one, but four phased orichalcum fields. Over the course of the next seven days, she systematically killed everyone else at the research station. By the time a secondary force came to check up on them, due to lack of communication, she had nearly gone insane and lowered then destroyed three of the four fields. This weakening of the fields is the reason for the mile long barrier around the entrance to the site…   …thus noting the similarities with demonic endeavors. However, the death is far worse than merely dying. Cu’tar is a degenerative Anhedonic-class extraplanar entity which revels in the unwinding of a being’s sense of self. At best this leads to death through loss of mental acuity required to run automated bodily functions. At worse a long life of dementia, mental retardation, and loss of self…   …which is why it is the only Aeon outlawed by the civilized nations, the beast tribes, and the goblins. Paranoia and betrayal are Cu’tar’s choice weapons. At your weakest moments it will supplant memories with corrupted versions. The alterations vary wildly in power and effect. Proven examples have manifested as simple negation such as not being able to recall your spouse telling you that they loved you the day before. Additionally, acute and adaptive sensory manipulation such as the case with the woman whose image is now being cast on the blackboard. She murdered her infant sons after her senses were overridden to see, hear, and feel them as scaled demonic dogs. Infanticide is, according to information gathered from interrogation of Cu’tar’s acolytes, a favored sacrifice to it. Whether this is because of the loss of innocence in the death of a child or the loss of high amounts of Halcyonic-potential is unknown…    


…The Aeon of Loss manifests into this world through a large obelisk made entirely of Dead Stone. How the angels were able to intertwine an extraplanar entity in material antithetical to magic is a question worthy of the title of Lord. Suffice to say we do not know what it’s true form is. However, due to work done by Jäger researchers it is believed the crimson eye is the single physical manifestation within this plane. Something it is only able to manifest at all because of the lowering and destruction of the other three fields…  

Summoning Ritual

  …Successful summoning rituals have only ever been proven to be resolved during the new moon. The most common material component involves the offering of facial skin. The closer the summoner is to the entity being offered the better with the faces of infants being the most successful. Pictures, busts, statues and other representations of self-have also been recorded in usage…

Channeler's Symbol

  …The symbol manifested to the Warlocks and Witches who seek Cu’tar as their patron is a mask crafted from dead stone. The prominent theory, one which I support, as to why this entity creates anti-magical symbols is that this is a fail safe from the angelic sealing to prevent it from fully manifesting should the phased orichalcum fields fall….


  You do not want.   You do not need.   You are not.
by Me
I am. You are not.   -Cu'tar "The Whisperer" Aeon of Athaza
-Pact Options-   Great Old One   Fiend   Am (Added at a later date)

Alignment: CE


Favored Weapon: Manipulation


Favored Element: Psychic


Favored Gemstone: Unknown


Favored Colors: Unknown


Favored Offerings: The faces of your children


Favored Animal: None


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