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…Enigmatic would be an understatement for the being mentioned in the findings. Most understand that we collectively know little about the time before the Fraylorn Empire and the Angelic age that came before it. For the longest time it was believed to be a sort of straight line of advancement. However, that changed upon the discovery of the Serpent Tower and the existence of someone, or something named Hildil…   …Found within the angelic lab of Reliquary Investigationes Decem et Septem. This tapestry is the only known image of the warlock going by Hildil. Though, it should be noted we still don’t know if this is what Hildil is meant to look like or if it is an unrelated piece of art. From the findings she appears to be some sort of humanoid creature, however the question as to is she a mortal, divine, or something else is a topic of hot debate…   …With all that spoken for, let us get to what we do know. The being of Hildil has a close tie to serpents. Between the tapestry image, the tower, and the serpent symbols on the tomes that have been found we know that she was doing something with serpents of a magical nature. She must have been a Warlock of some persuasion as the eldritch magics of a warlock are the closest type to Wyrd magics and have a slight overlap in magical mechanics. However, the Wyrd magics many are crediting her for creating are a different animal entirely. It is unknown as to what or who her patron was or if she even had one. She could have been the patron for all we know. Regardless, it is unlikely anyone will know more until more of her tomes are found…   ...The breed of magic that has been associated with her seems to work on its own rules with just enough overlap with common Warlock practices to be somewhat understandable. From research done by the powers that be from all over the world it appears that anyone, and maybe anything, with a strong enough personality can cast these Wyrd magics. Even if they aren't normally a spell caster...   -Experts from Cryptids Quarterly Volume 48: The Wyrd and Strange, by Samantha Jardil
by Me


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