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The Pengawains

…When one thinks of heroes, they often think of the 12 Divine or valiant knights who ride into battle or clever adventurers defeating a great fiend at the end of a dungeon. They also normally think of people, but dear reader that is where things become gray. In a land far from most is the mythical golden forest where animals awaken with slightly altered bodies and minds like me and you. While most remain in the golden forest and serve under a, or as a, druid some venture out into the world. Notable names are the chicken magus Cockshy and the warrior mouse Lanard the Giant Slayer. Even now there is the growing name of Fuzzel the cat and cleric of Sepeku….   …Dalila: Now though dear reader I know you saw this issue’s cover so let’s jump right into it. I’m overjoyed to welcome our special guest and leader of the Pengawains, Arthur Pendraguin.   Arthur: Thank you for having me, madam.   Dalila: So polite!   Arthur: A knights duty requires many things. Common courtesy is but a small part.   Dalila: Well then, I hope you will be courteous to the questions our staff had.   Arthur: Please, ask all you wish.   Dalila: Wonderful, first is my question. We have heard rumors as to your lineage. Is it true? Dragon blood in a penguin?   Arthur: Yes madam, I am honored to say I am but 10 generations from the great Archon Silva. While that might sound like a lot to many there is enough draconic blood in me to manifest powers.   Dalila: Fascinating. Your sword.   Arthur: Excaliburr.   Dalila: Yes, Excaliburr. Is it true it has a mind of its own?   Arthur: The Sword of Holy Ice is an intelligent artifact yes. She can be temperamental at times but is kind to most. She believes in my mission and gives me her aid.   Dalila: How did you find it? Er, her rather.   Arthur: Its fine. I refer to Excaliburr as she because the voice she projects into my mind is feminine. I doubt she cares one way or another.   Dalila: Oh good.   Arthur: As to your question, upon the death of my dear brother Pengawain I was lost for purpose. After weeks of aimless wandering, I heard a voice speak to me. Heidi Divine of Faith. She delivered unto me a way to redeem my lost honor for being unable to protect my brother. Upon the end of the trial, I found Excaliburr and Madam Pearla Leamham. I believe you talked of her in one of your previous issues.   Dalila: We did! You read them?   Arthur: I’m afraid not. My younger adopted sister Blasine does. She was the one who told me of your publication and that you all wanted to talk with me.   Dalila: Why isn’t she here?   Arthur: The invitation was only for me. I felt it would be uncouth to bring uninvited guests.   Dalila: Hell, she is invited. Let her know please.   Arthur: Haha, I don’t tend to keep things from my sister, but I think the surprise of her reading this will be entertaining. I’ll let her find out this way.   Dalila: It normal for a knight to tease a young lady like that?   Arthur: It is not. A knight should never do such a thing. Thankfully Blasine is not a young lady, she’s my sister.   Dalila: I hope she likes the surprise. Speaking of young ladies is there one is this gallant knight’s life?   Arthur: Not at the moment. I do hope there are questions about my fellows. I would not be where I am today without them. I’d feel awkward only talking about me.   Dalila: Oh oh, of course of course. Yes, tell us about The Pengawains. Why the name and who are they in your words?   Arthur: Well, my brother Pengawain was more of a hero than I could ever be. Our group and now guild follows his ideals. We work with the rulers of all kingdoms and most Divine as a neutral party to protect the innocent.   Dalila: Wow! Big shoes?   Arthur: Giant, at least in my mind. I have chosen to name our team, and now guild, after him in hopes more will live by his code of honor. Speaking formally, we have my sister Dame Blasine a skilled and powerful wizard and pyromancer. Then we have Sir Caradoc a righteous cleric of Rodica who, at one time, was a sword I needed to contend with, but now he is a shield I would never go without. Sir Sagramore is a ninja of amazing skill in stealth who has gotten me out of many a trouble where sword and spell alone failed. Lastly, at least for our original adventuring party, is Sir Morien who is the strongest man I have ever known. I have seen tempered steel plate armor crumble under his fist and dragon bone snap between his beak.   Dalila: I’d love to talk to them all. Can you deliver the message? I’m sure our readers will love that.   Arthur: I cannot speak for them, but I will let them find out when my sister does. As to not spoil the surprise.   Dalila: Right right, now you used sir and dame. Those are knightly titles. How did you all become knighted?   Arthur: Ah, that is a funny story. I was in the Fae lands of Coillton and ordered a jelly donut for a snack when out of no where…   -Experts from Cryptids Quarterly Issue 97: Interview with Pendraguin by Dalila Zither
Status: Living


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