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Wagamama "The Gluttonous" Aeon of Rasavada


  …upon coming to the end of the transformative cycle. This leads us into our next Aeon, Wagamama The Gluttonous Aeon of Rasavada. We won’t spend as much time on him as the others. As to why, Wagamama is a manifestation of selfishness given form, his words not mine, and he doesn’t care much for the outside world. He is a shut in who only seems to care for food, drink, and drugs. Using Rodica to contrast, the Divine of Thrills urges her followers to train hard, work harder, and be powerful enough to seek the highest of physical pleasure. To dine on slow roasted dragon after claiming the heavy weight title and hearing the crowd chant your name. Wagamama on the other hand teaches a mantra of take anything and everything. Do not think of tomorrow nor yesterday, only of the now. He would be as happy with a finely cooked steak as he would with a half-eaten burger he found in the trash. Given this he has done little of note to report on in comparison to the other Aeons…   …as represented through skilled artisans. How The Gluttonous became an Aeon is a question of some dispute. Records recovered conflict with each other. Some mention him being a grand child of the an Oni born from one of Frenstia’s rape trysts before she was killed during the Expansion War. Others say he is a creature pulled from a plane where conditions are so bad muddy water is a prized commodity. The later is more likely as all other known Aeons have come from other realms…   …His personality is short tempered and uncaring. Its rare to see him not consuming something. In the rare moments he does have a conversation he is smoking or injecting himself with drugs of some kind. He offers power to Warlocks and Witches in exchange for more. More in this context being more or less anything he can consume in some way. Though the offering of a pig is known to get his attention above all else…    


  …The outer layer of this fat Oni is hard and cracked with the look and feel of broken red jade. It’s unknown what this really is, but we know it not to be his skin as he consumed it long ago. The lidless, noesless, and lipless face shows blood shot eyes and dozens of curved and jagged fangs. All of which have grown to such a state that he can't close his mouth without breaking his own teeth…  

Summoning Ritual

  …Successful summoning rituals require a consumable substance of some kind The offering of a complete pig, uncooked, has never been known to not call his attention…

Channeler's Symbol

  …The symbol manifested to the Warlocks and Witches which seek Wagamama as their patron is pendant which aids in protection from illnesses born from spoiled food…


Take do not think.   Eat do not sleep.   More.
by Me
More.   -Wagamama "The Gluttonous" Aeon of Rasavada
-Pact Options-   Fiend   Undying   Gluttonous (Added at a later date)

Alignment: CN


Favored Weapon: Kanabō


Favored Element: Poison


Favored Gemstone: All Jade


Favored Colors: Gold


Favored Offerings: Drugs


Favored Animal: Pigs (To eat)


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