Bifrost Key

A Bifrost Key, also called a Kesh Ghesif is a black, translucent sphere about 10 centimeters in diameter. Within the inky black of the sphere, a twinkling galaxy of stars can be seen.



The initial design and creation of all keys are work of Tyr. Since his disappearance, no new keys have been created and no Illidians have been able to replicate his work. For this reason, each priom world built their own gate complex to house and operate their Alluvian Gates.



The device itself has no indicators for its function and an interface of light only appears on the surface when near an Alluvian Gate. The creation of the device seems to be a combination of planar mechanics, sophisticated scientific principals, and control over the through The Celestial Song.


Access & Availability

Tyr initially made 18 keys, granting two to each of the nine clans. Over time, some were lost, and with the disappearance of Tyr, their creator, no new keys were ever forged. It is widely believed that less than 10 remain.


Among Illidians, the keys are highly prized possessions with ownership claimed by the Priomcead of each of the five worlds. Due to the worlds themselves linked through gates controlled by an Illidian computer, these keys are no longer used for daily travel between the Illidian clan worlds.

Access & Availability
Rare, bordering on Unique