
The Siyuut are beings of energy that exist within the Plane of Agony. They can be pulled through The Veil into the where they exist as a black, whispy incorporial cloud of energy. This form allows them to pass through solid material, even inside of a living being where they can attempt to take control and possess a being of the Mataeria.




During The Second Universe, the Illidians needed a source of energy to feed from. The first life forms they created for this purpose were the Siyuut.


The Siyuut are beings of pure energy that were created within an extradimensional space. This space, meant to cage the creatures for the Illidians to draw through the veil like strands of twine from a spool, causes creatures within to be in a constant state of agony and fear.


From the moment of their creation, a Siyuut is constantly being tortured, with its only escape out into the Materia. At first, this meant an Illidian pulling a Siyuut across the border for consumption, but eventually the first born among the Siyuut found a new means of escape.




As beings of pure energy, the Syuut can infuse themselves into an unwilling host, taking control and possessing the body. The more powerful a Siyuut is, the easier this posession becomes.


Weaker Siyuut must be pulled through the veil by their greators. Powerful Siyuut will mark bodies in ways that thin the veil between the Materia and the Plane of Agony and help guide their lessers into the body and into our world.


While in the Materia, a Siyuut is free from the pain of its cage; and so it will remain, so long as its host survives. Always looming over their heads is the knoweldge that if the host dies, they return to the Plane of Agony.


Siyuut remain so long as their host lives. Once the host dies, they are shunted out of the Materia. Eventually, a Siyuut can grow strong enough that they no longer need a marked body for them to inhabit, but are able to use their own strength to cross the barrier into the Materia.


While a Siyuut posesses a body, they grant enhanced abilities to the host.

    • Enhanced speed and strength
    • Telekinesis and Telepathy
    • Resistance to heat and fire
    • Control over fire


A Siyuut can grow in power by consuming the life force of their host. This kills the host, but the most powerful Siyuut alive today earned their power through eons of taking hosts, drinking their life energies dry, and then enduring the Plane of Agony until they could do it once more.


One way in which a Siyuut gains strength is by feeding on pain and fear around it. To this end, a Siyuut will use trickery and deceit to unsettle and torment victims.

Basic Information


The Situut exist in multiple forms, depending on where they currently are.


Within the Plane of Agony


While in their dimensional prison, the Plane of Agony, the Siyuut take on their true and terrible form. They might begin their existence as small, fearsome creatures, while the older and more powerful of their kind are massive beings of immense power. The highest ranking Siyuut are the Tormentor-Princes of the Plane of Agony.


While in the Plane of Agony, the more powerful Siyuut exhude a fear aura. While in this realm, they draw strength from the torment of those unlucky enough to cross over. They do not need weapons, as their natural bodies are adorned in spines, teeth, and claws.


Within the Mataeria

While in the Mataeria, a Siyuut exists as a cloud of black, whispy, incorporeal smoke. They can move around and pass through solid objects, including inside living beings which they attempt to posess and control.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Siyuut grow in power by consuming the life force of those they posess or by drinking in the fear and torment of those around them.


Social Heirarchy



When they are first born, a Siyuuk is labeled as a Katohn. These lesser Siyuuk are weak in power and do not yet have the strength to pass through the veil without aid.


While in the plain of agony, a Hatohn is a medium sized creature with claws. Because they are much weaker, Katohn serve their greaters as footsoldiers and servants throughout the Plane of Agony.



When a Katohn evolves into an Aadohn, they increase to a large size creature and begin producing an aura of fear. The Aadohn serve as generals and commanders of their Kiizohn masters. An Aadohn has the strength to pass through the veil where it is thin, or in the wake of a Kiizohn. It is possible for an unwitting resident of the Mataeria to draw an Aadohn across the the veil in order to bargain with them.



As warlords and champions of The Plane of Agony, the Kiizohn have grown to Huge or in some rare cases, Gargantuan size. Theur fear aura is much more powerful, and mortals who cros over into the Plane of Agony are likely to suffer complete mental breakdown from being within their presence.


The Kiizohn can tear open the veil at their whim and cross into the Mataeria; an act which drains them of their strength. Most do not cross without a target for posession in mind, as being shunted back into the Plane of Agony will leave them weakened and susceptible to other Kiizohn or even abitious Aadohn in their service killing them to take their place.

Geographic Distribution